Your Sexual Soulmate, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Your Sexual Soulmate, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Your Sexual Soulmate, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You know when you meet someone and all the planets align, sex-wise? Finding your sexual soulmate may not make for an ideal long-term situation in all cases, but it’s definitely an experience everyone should have at least once. If only to realize that fiery lust can really do make for one hell of a sexual experience. But while it’s easy to throw around the term “sexual soulmate,” what does it mean exactly?

“Your sexual soulmate is more concerned about your orgasm than theirs,” Clarissa Silva, a behavioral scientist, relationship coach, and the creator of Your Happiness Hypothesis Method, tells Bustle. “Your partner wants to absorb and learn all things that pleases you every time you have sex.”

As Silva explain, as the relationship evolves both partners become more in tune with each other’s wants and desires. Words are no longer needed as they were in the beginning. Everything just fits and makes sense sexually.

“The beauty is that you won’t have to negotiate what you might need, your partner will just act on it,” Silva says. Doesn’t that sound amazing?

But finding your sexual soulmate isn’t easy. Personally, I think it might even be more difficult than finding your romantic soulmate, if that’s a concept in which you believe. With sexual desires, wants, needs, and fetishes running the gamut, to find someone right there on the exact same page as you can be quite a feat.

So, if you’re ready to drop everything you’re doing right now, and go out there and find your sexual soulmate, you can start by looking to astrology and the zodiac signs you’re most compatible with in bed. Here are your sexual soulmates, based on your sign, because opposites really can attract.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

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Aries, whether or not they realize it, they have a thing for a bit of theatrics. Especially in bed.

“Drama will consume the ram’s love affairs,” astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Bustle. “This is why they require partners with flair in the boudoir.”

Your sexual soulmate: Leo

Why? According to Stardust, Leo is Aquarius’ sexual soulmate because the energy between them is truly magnetic. Although Aries is known for being a bit stubborn and having to always be right, when they crawl into bed with Leo all that changes. That magnetism can be so intense that, in some cases, even orgasms are secondary to the sexual experience and journey they have along the way.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

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As BDSM becomes more mainstream, Taurus is here for it and can’t get enough of it. And even more so than other signs in the zodiac.

“The Bull wants to be dominated,” Stardust says. “Therefore, they will only find pleasure with someone who can enforce their submissive vibes to keep them in their bodies.”

Your sexual soulmates: Scorpio

Why? Scorpio is completely down to put Taurus in their place in the bedroom. If Taurus wants to dominated — either mildly or to push the boundaries and really go for it — Scorpio is there. And probably with a ball gag and a flogger in hand.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

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Could the twins that are Gemini actually make space in their life for someone else? Short answer: hell yes.

“Gemini’s sexual soulmate will dirty talk and whisper sweet nothings in their ears,” Stardust says.

Your sexual soulmate: Aquarius

Why? For the most part, finding the right fit for Gemini can be a bit trying, because they can sometimes be immature and unaware when it comes to sex. That is until Aquarius walks into their life and can really talk the talk, as in the dirty talk. Not every sign has such a skill, but these two both kill it in this department.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

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Although a fairly emotional sign, sexually speaking, Cancer is looking for something that includes those emotions and a bit of exploration, too.

“The crab likes to sexually experiment,” Stardust says, “requiring a submissive partner to act out all their emotions.”

Your sexual soulmate: Pisces

Why? Between Cancer’s imaginative nature and Pisces creative and artistic side, we have two signs that match because they’re willing to explore. This desire to try new things with each other runs deep. Meaning Cancer can never really get enough of what Pisces has to offer sexually. These two might as well hole-up in a bedroom for several days and let their imaginations run wild.

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Of all the signs in the zodiac, it’s Leo who is completely full of themselves. If they’re not being the center of the attention, then they’re just not interested.

“Leo’s bedside soulmate is themselves, as they will only focus on pleasuring themselves first in bed. Duh!” Stardust exclaims.

Your sexual soulmate: Leo and Sagittarius

Why? Although there’s no denying that Leo is passionate, they’re also no denying that of all the signs in the zodiac, Leo is as self-centered as they come. Their arrogance puts themselves on a pedestal, meaning that most can’t live up to what they need and want sexually — that’s why sex toys are a great fit. But, if masturbation isn’t cutting it, Sagittarius is another option for a soulmate. These two ignite each other’s passions — even if it means Leo is staring at themselves in the mirror the whole time.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

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Despite being the “virgin” of the zodiac, don’t let that innocence fool you. In fact, it’s usually the innocent and quiet ones who are bound to surprise you most.

“Virgo is rigid, but also a low-key freak,” Stardust says. “They require adventure from their sexual partner.”

Your sexual soulmate: Capricorn

Why? Virgo tends to keep their sexuality on the DL compared to other signs. But, while that may be the case, they’re looking for that other “low-key” freak to indulge in some unconventional fun. Enter: Capricorn. With a boatload of kink under their belt, Capricorn is going to give freaky Virgo exactly what they’ve been craving.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

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As an air sign, Libra likes things that are pretty to look at and a bit whimsical too. And the same can be said about their sexual soulmate.

“Libra rules the buttocks,” Stardust says. “So it’s only logical that their sexual soulmate would enjoy giving and receiving light flogging.”

Your sexual soulmate: Aquarius

Why? As a fellow air sign, Aquarius is know for their open mind and their desire to be original at all costs. Flogging, if done in the right way, can definitely be original, among other things. But where the true sexual soulmate factor becomes most evident is when Libra and Aquarius experience something that’s both airy and magical — not something that every sign is capable of experiencing.

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

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Scorpio continues to get a bad rap, because they have within them an intensity that some of the other signs just don’t understand — well, except for one: their sexual soulmate.

“Fierce and intense entanglements will scintillate Scorpio’s fantasies,” Stardust says. “Their soulmate will bring handcuffs and whips over for fun.”

Your sexual soulmate: Pisces

Why? Pisces may be seen as more of a creative type with lots of hobbies, ultimately, they want to escape their every day reality and Scorpio offers that. When Scorpio and Pisces come together it’s all about experiencing mind-blowing sex that neither will forget anytime soon. For these two sexual soulmates, it’s all about a sexual connection that’s mystical and transformative.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

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Sagittarius’ idealism and sense of humor tend to draw them to something — and someone — who’s going to be pretty damn spicy in the sack.

“The archer falls for their sexual equal,” Stardust says. “This means they fix their energy on a partner who is sassy and saucy in bed.”

Your sexual soulmate: Aries

Why? Sagittarius and Aries have fairly different personalities. While the former is more laid back and ready for anything, and the latter is, well, a little tightly wound, that doesn’t mean they can’t make the most of it sexually. How does it work? Well, according to Stardust there’s only one word to explain this union: daring. And daring usually tends to lead to a good time.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

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For the most part, Capricorn is responsible and finds comfort in tradition. While this might not sound like the most exciting qualities for hot sex, when it comes to their sexual soulmate, it works.

“The sea-goat will find love and comfort only with someone who is as practical and hardworking as they are — yes, even between the sheets,” Stardust says.

Your sexual soulmate: Virgo

Why? For Capricorn, Virgo offers all that sensuality that they need to really enjoy their sex lives to the fullest. The sensual passion that these two awaken in each other is almost other worldly. The possibilities that could come out of such a sexual union are endless.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

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While Aquarius might keep things flighty, so it’s hard to know what they’re thinking or if they’ll even show up when they’re supposed to, that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a sexual soulmate out there for them. And one who’s willing to deal with these traits in order to have a great lay.

“Aquarius needs constant communication with their loving soulmate,” Stardust says. “Even if they are aloof at times.”

Your sexual soulmate: Gemini

Why? Of all the zodiac signs, these two have mastered the art of taking things are they come and not stressing out about stuff that’s out of their control. So when these two come together, according to Stardust, it’s engaging. And, for these two, engaging is all it takes to be sexual soulmates.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

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As a gentle, sensitive soul, Pisces is looking to be whisked away to another world when it comes to sex. Reality just isn’t their favorite place to be.

“Pisces crave a lover who’s tender and kind,” Stardust says. “Their soulmate will drift away in la la land with them.”

Your sexual soulmate: Cancer

Why? When it comes to tenderness and expressing emotions — maybe not even at the most inopportune time — Cancer is there for it. Because of this, Pisces will feel right at home in bed with Cancer. According to Stardust, this union is transcendent — proving that Pisces and Cancer are a sexual soulmate match for sure.

Now that you know who your sexual soulmate is, all you have to do is get out there and start asking people their zodiac signs. I mean, what else were you going to do tonight? Stay in and watch TV? Actually, you probably were. So… new plan! Go out there tomorrow instead. Good luck!

Sources interviewed:

Clarissa Silva, behavioral scientist and relationship coach

Lisa Stardust, astrologer

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