Today is Red Tuesday… a week before Valentine’s Day and also the most popular day for people to be dumped

Today is Red Tuesday... a week before Valentine's Day and also the most popular day for people to be dumped

Today is Red Tuesday… a week before Valentine’s Day and also the most popular day for people to be dumped

Day of the dumps

A study shows that people are most likely to end a relationship on the week before Valentine’s Day . . .you have been warned!

A week before Valentine’s day many people will be considering how to spend the day with their loved one, while others will be thinking of the best way to cut the cord with their partner.

Today is Tuesday February 7, also known as ‘Red Tuesday’ as it is a week to the day of Valentine’s Day.

The week before Valentine's Day is the most likely day to be dumped


The week before Valentine’s Day is the most likely day to be dumped

It also happens to be the most popular day for people to dump their partners.

Three in every ten people have severed ties with their partners seven days before February 14, according to a survey of 1,500 members of

The website, a UK dating website for married people, surveyed their members who revealed that 30 per cent of those questioned had broken up with their partner just one week before Valentine’s Day.

More than half of the people ending their relationships do so in person


More than half of the people ending their relationships do so in person

The main reason given for the harsh timing was loss of love, with 8 in every ten people surveyed admitting they no longer loved their partner.

Even worse is 57 per cent of those people said that the thoughts of a dreaded proposal on love day led them to preemptively dump their not-so-significant other.

Most people did the courageous thing and chose to end their relationships face-to-face.

Some 55 per cent of the culprits that ended their relationship did so facing their partner.

Almost 30 per cent of people do not speak to their partner while breaking up with them

Getty Images

Almost 30 per cent of people do not speak to their partner while breaking up with them

However, 45 per cent of people could not muster up the strength to do the heartbreaking in person.

Nearly 30 per cent of relationships were unscrupulously ended over the phone, with 12 per cent breaking up via text and instant messaging.

A shocking 5 per cent of people needed just 140 characters to end their relationships, using Twitter or other forms of social media.

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