valentine week list with day and dates – Valentine Guru

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valentine week list with day and dates – Valentine Guru

Valentine Week List 2021: In this post you are going to know about complete list of happy valentine week list with dates and along with day names. I also providing the links for the each and every day so, you can know more about that day on this valentines week month.

Complete Valentine Week List 2021 With Dates and Day Name

valentines day VS anti-valentines day

Valentine Week List 2021

We know that the month of February is also know as the lovers month. On this month Two week’s are celebrated by the youth mostly there are:-

  1. Valentines day week.
  2. Anti-Valentines day Week.

Below I am going to explain about above two point.

Valentine Week List Date Sheet

The valentine week is going to start on starting of second week of month February i.e From 7th date. From 7th date to 14th date people are going to celebrate each day with different names. Valentine week list day names are given below.

valentines week list 2021 date sheet

You can know more about above day by clicking each and every day you want to know about.

Anti-Valentines day Week List Date Sheet

The anti valentine week which is start’s next day of valentines day i.e on from 15th date to 21st date. This days are also celebrated by the lovers who are going to break-up there relation. Each day is celebrated with different names. Anti-Valentine week list day names are given below.

anti valentines week list 2021 date sheet

  • February 15th is celebrated as Slap Day
  • February 16th is celebrated as Kick Day
  • February 17th is celebrated as Perfume Day
  • February 18th is celebrated as Flirting Day
  • February 19th is celebrated as Confession Day
  • February 20th is celebrated as Missing Day
  • February 21st is celebrated as Break Up Day

You can know more about above day by clicking each and every day you want to know about.

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