UK School Holiday dates for 2021-2021 terms

UK School Holiday dates for 2020-2021 terms

UK School Holiday dates for 2021-2021 terms

School Holidays Contents

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, many of us have been unable to enjoy a holiday due to travel restrictions. So planning ahead for 2021 seems to be at the front of most plans with the hope that fewer travel restrictions will be in place. 

Get ahead of the curve by finding out when the school holidays are for 2021.

School term and holiday dates vary across the UK. These can have an impact on when you decide to go away, and how much everything (including airport parking) can cost.

We’ve broken down the school holidays for you below using information from School Holidays Europe.

You can use this guide in conjunction with our Bank Holiday 2021 Dates Guide to really plan out the best time to go away for you and your family.

And if you’re specifically trying to AVOID going away during the school holidays, you can take a look at the complete UK school holidays 2021 calendar at the bottom of the page. Thanks to our reader Dave for that suggestion!

Please note that these are purely guidelines and differences can occur depending on your council. You should always check with your local council and school for the dates specific to you. A quick way to find out holiday dates from your local council is by entering your postcode into this government search tool.

And don’t forget to book your airport parking well in advance of the school holidays if you want big savings. Sign up to our newsletter to receive an instant half-term discount code, which will bag you up to 30% off.

England 2021-2021 School Holidays

Please note that these are purely guidelines and differences will occur depending on your local council. For example, no school will take the entire seven-week timespan for summer, but we’ve provided the full date range for your information.

Holiday Start Date End Date Week
October Half Term 2021 19/10/2021 30/10/2021 43-44
Christmas Holidays 2021 21/12/2021 01/01/2021 52-1
Spring Half Term Holidays 15/02/2021 19/02/2021 7
Easter Holiday 01/04/2021 16/04/2021 13-15
Summer Half Term 31/05/2021 04/06/2021 22
Summer Holiday 22/07/2021 03/09/2021 29-31

Northern Ireland 2021-2021 School Holidays

Please note that these are purely guidelines and differences will occur depending on your local council. For example, no school will take the entire nine-week timespan for summer, but we’ve provided the full date range for your information.

Holiday Start Date End Date Week
Christmas Holidays 2021 24/12/2021 1/1/2021 52–1
Spring Half Term 11/02/2021 12/02/2021 6
Easter Holiday 01/04/2021 09/04/2021 13-14

Scotland 2021-2021 School Holidays

Please note that these are purely guidelines and differences will occur depending on your local council. For example, no school will take the entire nine-week timespan for summer, but we’ve provided the full date range for your information.

Holiday Start Date End Date Week
Christmas Holidays 2021 21/12/2021 6/1/2021 52–1
Spring Holiday 15/02/2021 15/02/2021 7
Easter Holiday 05/04/2021 16/04/2021 14-15
May Holiday 03/05/2021 03/05/2021 18
Summer Holiday 05/07/2021 17/08/2021 27-33
Autumn Holiday 18/10/2021 22/10/2021 42

Wales 2021-2021 School Holidays

Please note that these are purely guidelines and differences will occur depending on your local council. For example, your local school may not take the entire six weeks for summer, but we’ve provided the full date range for your information.

Holiday Start Date End Date Week
Autumn Holidays 2021 26/10/2021 30/10/2021 44
Christmas Holidays 2021 21/12/2021 1/1/2021 52–1
Spring Holiday 15/02/2021 19/02/2021 7
Easter Holiday 29/03/2021 09/04/2021 13-14

UK School Holidays 2021 – 2021 Calendar

When is the Best Time to Go Away in 2021?

Due to the current Coronavirus outbreak, some places have differing rules for quarantine upon return. It is best to book a holiday that requires no quarantine, which you can plan ahead for by using the fitfortravel website. If you are postponing your holiday or want to travel later in 2021 then September 2021 might be an ideal time. Schools will be back and we all hope that the COVID outbreak will be more under control.

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