The Red Plate |

The Red Plate |

The Red Plate |

red plate

A wonderful tradition I found is “The Red Plate.”  I heard of the idea from a friend and started this tradition for my sister for her bridal shower.  She returned the favor and bought me a “red plate” and presented it to me at my bridal shower.  As you present the plate to the bride there is a poem you read with it.  The poem itself explains the significance of the plate….

May today be one of many red letter days
Times you’ll remember in so many ways
This gift is a tradition for you to start
A gift of love, straight from the heart
On days that are special that you’ll want to recall
Set out the red plate to celebrate it all
Honor the person and their great feat
On this special plate, let them joyously eat
It may be a birthday, promotion, good grade
A Little League win or wise choice that was made
May your years together as husband and wife
Bring you countless special days throughout your life
These wonderful times will come and go
Keep the red plate at the ready as your blessings flow

If you’re looking for a special tradition to start for someone at their bridal shower this is a great one!  I think the idea behind it is beautiful.  My family also takes pictures with the red plate when we use it that we save in a book.  Someday I would like to pass down the plate to my daughter, along with the pictures of our family as a reminder of all the special times we’ve shared!

xoxo Shay

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