The Big Story: Google And Facebook Under The Mistletoe?

The Big Story: Google And Facebook Under The Mistletoe?

The Big Story: Google And Facebook Under The Mistletoe?

The Big Story podcast

This week, in the spirit of holiday generosity and giving, we’ll talk about the “friendship” between Google and Facebook.

Although there are a few Scrooges out there – for example, the 10 state attorneys general suing Google over antitrust concerns related to its online ads business – who might call this friendship “collusion.” Because maybe it is.

In other words, the United States is Google’s Krampus this year and we take a look at some of the lawsuits Google is facing. The AGs of 38 states and territories are going after Google’s (alleged) search monopoly, but we’ll zero in on the Texas-led suit scrutinizing Google’s ad tech business, including a stunning accusation that it got into bed with Facebook to stave off the threat of header bidding.

With lawsuits from various government entities flying every which way, it’s hard to keep track of who’s accusing whom of what at any given moment. Fortunately AdExchanger senior editor Allison Schiff is here to make sense of the mess.

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