The 10 Best Meme Pages On Facebook To Follow For A Laugh

The 10 Best Meme Pages On Facebook To Follow For A Laugh

The 10 Best Meme Pages On Facebook To Follow For A Laugh

The Best Meme Pages On Facebook To Follow For A Laugh

Over the past few years, the act of sharing memes has become an enormous social media trend. Most simply, a meme is a funny image or video accompanied by a funny caption. As an art form similar to comics, memes are characterized by virality, humor, and relatability. In the past 5 years alone, search interest in the term “meme” has more than doubled.

In some cases, meme trends form around particular catchphrases or themes. In 2021, a meme featuring a picture of Ryan Gosling and the phrase “Hey Girl…” circulated around the internet. Numerous iterations of the original meme were created all positioning the actor as an ideal boyfriend. As public interest in memes has increased, their rising presence on Facebook has become unignorable.

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