Shower for Out of Town Bride | Weddings, Parties and Events | Wedding Forums

Shower for Out of Town Bride | Weddings, Parties and Events | Wedding Forums

Shower for Out of Town Bride | Weddings, Parties and Events | Wedding Forums

It’s been a while, but I remember years ago I went to a few “themed” bridal showers where the guests were invited to bring a specific type of gift. One shower was Christmas ornaments for decorating the couple’s tree, another board games and popcorn stuff for a game night themed shower, another was everyone bring a recipe to make a favorite recipe collection. I haven’t been to one of these in years so maybe it’s gone out of style and guests wouldn’t understand the idea of a theme, but if it is still a thing, you could make your theme “something small”, or “restaurant gift card”, or “donation in couple’s honor to X charity”, etc. Something that can fit in your car and won’t use much wrapping paper.

Here’s a link to a random website that confirms this used to be a thing!

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