Orange Rainbow Tea Ideas? | ThriftyFun

Orange Rainbow Tea Ideas? | ThriftyFun

Orange Rainbow Tea Ideas? | ThriftyFun

My color is orange and I have 3 days to figure out decorations and food. Can you please give me some ideas?

October 8, 20140 found this helpful

Pumpkin decorations are obvious. Pimento cheese stuffed celery sticks or open-faced pimento cheese sandwiches.

For dessert try my recipe for Orange Fluff.

1 small box sugar-free orange Jello
1 small box sugar-free, fat-free vanilla instant pudding
1 small can Mandarin orange sections, drained
1 container low calorie Cool Whip

Make Jello according to package directions. Allow to cool, but not congeal. Stir in dry pudding mix. Fold in Cool Whip. Reserve 8 orange sections. Stir remaining orange sections into Jello mixture. Pour into dish and refrigerate.

When mixture begins to congeal, garnish with reserved orange sections.

October 8, 20140 found this helpful

Fall Leaves, pumpkins, oranges and citrus fruits. Mums and many other flowers are the full range of the orange color!

Food, I love the pimento cheese idea! Macaroni and Cheese if you need a main dish, add bacon or peas or olives, almost anything to it for garnish. Eggs so, an oven omelet would be easy and cheese on top would make it more orange than yellow but I have added food coloring to eggs to make them more orange.

Orange Sherbet and orange juice make a great punch! Orange Juice, lemon and lime juice, grapefruit juice and 7-up is an easy and refreshing beverage.
Sounds like fun! Enjoy

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