Kwanzaa, ‘Special Season and Celebration,’ Includes Remembrance, Reflection

Kwanzaa, 'Special Season and Celebration,' Includes Remembrance, Reflection

Kwanzaa, ‘Special Season and Celebration,’ Includes Remembrance, Reflection

A display for Kwanzaa including the Kinara and other symbols of the cultural holiday. Photo credit: @Adjoajo, via Wikimedia Commons

The seven-day African American festival of Kwanzaa began Saturday but in many  cases celebrations had to be altered or moved online because of restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic.

In San Diego, the WorldBeat Cultural Center will host its 40th Kwanzaa Celebration virtually.

Watch nightly through Wednesday on Facebook or YouTube as event begins at 7 p.m. each night with a traditional opening ceremony, drumming, guest speakers, music and dance performances and poetry readings.

In other adjustments due to the pandemic, the event known as the KwanZaa Gwaride Parade in South Los Angeles was billed this year as a motorcade.

The Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach held a free virtual Kwanzaa event Saturday morning – it’s available on YouTube as well – featuring Baba the Storyteller, one of the few recognized U.S.-born practitioners of the ancient West African storytelling craft known as Jaliyaa.

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