India in Space : Chandrayaan Based Malayalam GK Questions

India in Space Chandrayaan Based Malayalam GK Questions

India in Space : Chandrayaan Based Malayalam GK Questions

India in Space Chandrayaan Based Malayalam GK Questions

Chandrayaan-1  launched by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in October 2008 was India’s first lunar probe. It made India the fourth country to place its flag on the Moon. It was a great achievement and proud moment for us.

Chandrayaan was launched from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota and the Launch Vehicle was PSLV – C11. It had a launch mass of 1380 kg with a mission life over 2 years. On August 29, 2009, ISRO officially announced that the mission is over. The greatest achievement of the mission was the discovery of presence of water molecules on the lunar soil.

Lets check out some quiz questions based on this which can be asked in exams like PSC.

India in Space Chandrayaan Based Malayalam GK Questions

India in Space Chandrayaan Based Malayalam GK Questions

India in Space Chandrayaan Based Malayalam GK Questions

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