Hat Decorating

Black Ideal Mesh Hat

Hat Decorating


Decorating Ideal Mesh Tea Party Hats

We just added a new Tea Party Picture Hat Gallery to the web site using only the Ideal line of tea hats.  You might want to check it out if you are planning on decorating your own Ideal hat. There are so many differing styles, you may just find some new ideas there that could be used on your hat.

One thing that we forgot to mention in the ads for these hats is the fact that they come with a mesh bow on them.  When decorating, we remove this bow but often times we reuse it like ribbon.  It is great for tucking in with a cluster of flowers.

Black Ideal Mesh Hat

Here we encircled the brim of this black Ideal hat with the bows from several white Ideal hats.

Ivory mesh Ideal hat with red flowers, berries, and ivory lace.

On this ivory mesh hat, the mesh bow was re-purposed. Bright red flowers and ivory lace were added to the hat and the mesh bows were tucked in behind the lace for added texture.

White Ideal Hat with marabou feather trim

The addition of a marabou feather boa to the edge of the brim of this hat gives the illusion of a much larger hat. The mesh bow remained in place but was fluffed up a bit.

black Ideal mesh hat with lilac colored trimming

This black Ideal mesh hat was beautifully decorated with a lilac colored grosgrain hatband and matching flower. Tucked in behind this bold flower are loops of poly mesh and a large puff of ostrich feathers.

brown Ideal mesh hat

Shades of gold and burgundy contrasted beautifully on this brown Ideal hat.

White mesh hat with turquoise trimmings

The mesh bows on this white Ideal hat were removed to add a white tulle hatband wrapped in turquoise ribbon. Then a bold bright mum and tiny white flowers were added. To accent the mum, the previously removed mesh bow was taken apart and added back into the hat by slipping the loops under the mum.

Occasionally I will hand sew some of the embellishments onto the hat.  
But 99% of the time these hats are embellished using hot glue.  
For us (and you) this helps tremendously to keep the prices down.  
Many ‘experts’ will consider this method unprofessional 
but we want everyone to be able to enjoy 
The Tea Party and all that goes with it.  

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