Father’s Day in Heaven Poem

Father's Day in Heaven Poem

Father’s Day in Heaven Poem

Father’s Day is approaching too quickly. I don’t think I’m ready for it this year. My Dad passed away in the fall unexpectedly, so I won’t get to pick up the phone and say “Happy Father’s Day” to him this year or send him a card in the mail. I wrote this Father’s Day in Heaven Poem and hope that it can bring some comfort to you.

Poem - Happy Father's Day in Heaven, Missing Dad Poem, Dad in Heaven Poem

My Dad was, and still is, a gift from heaven.

Truly, he is. (My Mom, too!!)

When I was really young, from the ages of 2-5, my brothers and I were taken away from our birth parents many times as they were unable to care for us.

We were placed in many different foster homes. (Some good, some not so good.) We were then brought back to my birth parents for them to try again. As they couldn’t get their act together, we were then we were taken away . Repeat this cycle many times.


We were neglected, left without food, even left alone at such a young age! I remember being 2-3 and wandering the streets in the middle of the night, alone, without shoes on.

Memories of waking up Christmas mornings, so excited for the day! Instead, we woke to my birth parents highly intoxicated. What a let down that feeling was.

I remember waking in the morning several times, just my brothers and I in the house. Our birth parents would be passed out at a friends house.


I remember my birth mom passing out and falling to the floor, smashing up her face. Blood was absolutely everywhere. My older brother, who was about 6 at the time, called 911 and helped get her cleaned up with the help of our kind neighbor. He recieved an award for being so brave. An award no 6 year old should ever have to receive.

I remember being given hard alcohol at such a young age.

Memories of the police taking us away several times, and being placed into strangers’ homes. Sometimes my brothers and I were together, sometimes we were separated. We actually ran away from one foster home back to our birth parents house across town. Even though we were living in such crappy conditions, that’s all we knew and we missed it. What 3 year old doesn’t miss their mom or dad after forcefully being ripped from their arms?

And then the memories I can’t even write about….

This is a traumatizing experience for any child!

But then we got our break…

One rainy day in early April when I was a couple months away from turning 6. (I actually remember this day, 27 years later. I even remember what I was wearing.) My brothers and I were taken to this big house out in the country. There was a big dog. A trampoline in the yard! There was a cool looking playhouse hidden behind trees. So many trees. A little creek running along the gravel road. A big picnic table.

My brothers and I were led into the house. It was then that we met our new Mom and Dad, and new brothers and sisters, for the first time. Little did we know at the time that this was our new forever family.

forever family

The plan was for us to eventually go back to live with our birth parents. They were given one last chance to clean themselves up and to choose between responsibly raising their kids, or to continue down their path of alcohol.

Well, alcohol won and we were told we would never go back to live with our birth parents again.

This was truly a blessing in disguise.

We got to experience what being taken care of was like.

Playing and reading instead of worrying about if we would get to eat supper. Big family dinners around the table. We went on the most amazing camping trips EVER. Fishing in the creek. Making play kitchens out of giant cardboard boxes. Celebrating birthdays. We had help with our homework. Given the chance to join after school groups. Stories read to us.
Hugged and tucked into bed at night.

Our hearts felt love and acceptance.

forever family holding hands

Eventually, this “foster home” became just our “home”. Our safe place.

My “foster” Mom and Dad became my true Mom and Dad. When I talk about my “Mom and Dad” to this day, I am talking about them, not my birth parents.

When I was 18, my Mom and Dad adopted me. I am now legally a part of their family. (Although I knew I was a part of their family before the adoption)

They have been there for me every step of the way.

I guess maybe that’s why it hurts so much losing my Dad. My Mom and Dad generously gave so much of themselves and sacrificed ALOT to raise us all. My life is what it is because of them. I am forever grateful that we were placed into their home 27 years ago on that rainy, April day.

I wrote this Father’s Day in Heaven Poem as I am finding that writing helps get my feelings out. Often, I hide my feelings and trap them inside, not knowing what to do with them. Hopefully this may touch the hearts of others who are going through the same heartache as I am this Father’s Day. xoxo

Poem - Happy Father's Day in Heaven, Missing Dad Poem, Dad in Heaven Poem

Please share or pin this Father’s Day in Heaven Poem if you have an Angel Dad, too! Thank you 🙂

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