Christmas Eve Letter from Santa!

Christmas Eve Letter from Santa!

Christmas Eve Letter from Santa!

Our very special Christmas Eve Letter from Santa can be used with any of our 20+ Magical Design templates! Choose the one that fits your child and fill in the special details! Quicker than Magic Elf dust! It only takes a minute then Click and Print!! || Letters from Santa

Our very special Christmas Eve Letter from Santa can be used with any of our 20+ Magical Design templates!

Christmas Eve Letter from Santa! The perfect way for Santa to let them know he is on the way, and encourage them to drift off to the land of nod so he can slip down the chimney and leave their special gift under the Christmas tree!

I want to share with you a little bit about our very special Christmas Eve Letter from Santa, and how it came to be. You see, the only unfortunate negative impact of running a Letters from Santa service to help Santa out is that my time is pretty consumed by it in November and December. Not only am I often a sleep-deprived (sadly) grumpy mama, I am sometimes a little lacking in the organizational department. I have gotten better over the years and try to get as much preparation done ahead of time as possible. I try to get Christmas presents purchsed by the end of November, and wrapped well ahead of time, and try to get the Little Helper on her cards and gifts early too.

3 sweet Free Printable Letters to Santa for children! Your kids will be thrilled to send Santa their Christmas wishes on these adorable free printable templates! Brought to you by Letters from Santa

3 Printable Letters to Santa!

Ironically, one of the things I have found time and again I am scrambling for at the very last minute is making sure my own little Holiday Helper gets her own Letter from Santa! I know it sounds ridiculous, but more than once I found myself on Christmas Eve distressed because Santa had not sent a letter yet, and I felt completely responsible! I still feel terrible thinking about how dutifully she would write and send off her Letter to Santa, only to sit and wait, and wait, and wait…

And that, my friends, is how the Christmas Eve Letter from Santa was born! Santa and I had a good old chat about the situation, and we worked together to create the Christmas Eve Letter. And the Stocking Stuffer Letter from Santa too, but I will tell you more about that in another post. Oh and I will also tell you more about our Late Reply from Santa. Fortunately, I have never needed that one, but my stats told me that lots of people might find it helpful. Having known the pain of dropping the Santa Letter ball, I felt compelled to ask Santa to help those parents out too!

So…back to our Christmas Eve Letter from Santa…

Santa likes to send these special Christmas Eve Letters from his sleigh while en route from the North Pole! He reassures children that he is in fact on his way with their Christmas gift on board. He also acknowledges that he knows they are hoping for a particular gift, and that while he isn’t always able to bring exactly what they request, he knows that they will love the gift that he selected just for them. Even better, Santa tells them exactly what wrapping paper to look for under the Christmas tree!

Put a twinkle in their eye with a printable Letter from Santa! || Old Fashioned Santa and Sleigh || A Magical Letter Design via Letters from Santa

Old Fashioned Santa and Sleigh || A Magical Letter Design via Letters from Santa

And good old Santa is enormously helpful in encouraging them to get themselves off to their sugar plum dreams because he can’t come in until they are fast asleep! Not only has he eased their anxieties about his arrival, but Santa has helped to avoid any disappointment Christmas morning if they don’t find exactly what was on their Christmas wish list!

Our Christmas Eve Letter from Santa, my friends, is just one of our very special Letters. We have 20+ printable Letter from Santa templates (including a couple of Free Santa Letter designs). And oodles of special messages to choose from as well, meaning your child or grandchild will receive a Letter full of unique details that only Santa could know! Take a few minutes now and read through a few…I just know you will find one that fits!

How does the Christmas Eve Letter from Santa arrive?

We have a pretty solid Christmas Eve routine at our house. After we finish any last minute errands (and there is inevitably something!) and wrap any last minute gifts, we bake fresh cookies for Santa and tuck into a special Christmas Eve dinner. And of course we check in with NORAD’s Santa Tracker at regular intervals so we know how close he is getting and when we need to get to bed!

We also have a very special delivery arrive via Elf! Every Christmas Eve, without fail, we hear the jingling of bells out

Magical Christmas Eve Box! At our house, a little Elf comes jingling by with a special delivery on Christmas Eve. We never catch him, but he always leaves a box of goodies like this on the front step! via Letters from Santa Holiday Blog

At our house, a little Elf comes jingling by with a special delivery on Christmas Eve. We never catch him, but he always leaves a box of goodies like this on the front step!

front. We dash the door, hoping to catch the little Elves in the act, but only find a package addressed to the Little Helper – or should I say usuall only find a package. One year the dog barked while we were baking cookies, and the Little Helper was lightening fast in her dash to the kitchen window. Sure enough, she did actually catch sight of the top of his head as he dashed down the stairs!! But by the time she got around to the door, he was long gone. He must have moved fast, that Elf. She was pretty sure she could see sparkles where he had stepped though, which was very exciting!

Santa sends the Little Helper’s Christmas Eve Letter in that little package, along with new Christmas pajamas, a new Christmas book, a new Christmas movie, a special ornament for the tree, and a little stuffy to snuggle with. And I can tell you, it is always the Santa Letter that gets immediate attention, and not the gifts.

If this idea appeals to you, you might find a few helpful items for your Special Delivery on my favorites page right here! This is brand new…an out of the blue invitation from Amazon to join their Amazon Influencer team. I have no idea what I am doing, but the page is pretty cool! 🙂

Of course, your Christma Eve Letter from Santa might arrive in the mail, or appear magically under the tree, or any other way you can imagine! No matter how it arrives, I promise you it will deliver you big smiles and a relaxed little heart!

Ready to create yours? Just click here!

Oh and hey! We have some exciting news! Amazon has offered us our very own favorites page! We think that is SUPER fun!! Check it out here if you like


Choose any of our 20+ Santa Letter Templates to design your very own Christmas Eve Letter from Santa! Printable and Personalized! Helping You Make Christmas Magical!! || Letters from Santa

Christmas Eve Letter from Santa! Printable and Personalized! Helping You Make Christmas Magical!! || Letters from Santa

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