Bridesmaid Survival Kit with poem- changed wording | Weddings, Do It Yourself | Wedding Forums

Shower for Out of Town Bride | Weddings, Parties and Events | Wedding Forums

Bridesmaid Survival Kit with poem- changed wording | Weddings, Do It Yourself | Wedding Forums

This Survival Kit was made just to say,

I’m thrilled you are beside me on my wedding day!

There’s chocolate to eat in case you get hungry,

If your neck starts to sweat, use the scrunchie!

In case of a spill, here’s some tide,

I’ve included some tissues in case you should cry!

Some mints to keep your breath nice & fresh,

And use the lip gloss to help look your best!

A shot if you’re nervous and need a drink,

Deodorant for if you absolutely stink!

There’s ibuprofen inside incase it’s ill that you feel,

And bandaids to help you tackle those heels!

I’ve put everything in this handy pack,

so you’ll know this Bride has got your back!

(Not sure if you are posting from a phone, but there were a lot of punctuation errors and apostrophes missing that are needed in the contractions.)

Suggestions for changing some of the &/and and reduced the number or words in the shot line and perhaps use “if” you stink, not “when.”

(edited for spelling error, thanks Jackie)

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