A Bridal Shower Gift Poem For the Bride to Be • Wedding Ceremony Ideas

A Bridal Shower Gift Poem For the Bride to Be • Wedding Ceremony Ideas

A Bridal Shower Gift Poem For the Bride to Be • Wedding Ceremony Ideas

The Bridal Shower Gift Poem is always a big hit at wedding showers. This fun verse is full of advice and good wishes and household products. It is fun to see people who have never heard this kind of poem before.

Here is what you have to do. First, get a poem filled with the names of products you can buy at your local grocery store. Or you can make up your own gift poem verse if you are feeling creative. Then buy those products and put them in the order they come in the poem. This way when you read the poem it will be easy to hold up the product you are mentioning. It is always a big help to have a second person when you are presenting the shower gift poem. One to read and one to hold up the products.

It sounds a little bit like a 1950’s commercial, but it is a lot of fun! Your shower guests will be laughing as you read this poem aloud. You can also put the items in a laundry basket or a bag and have someone help you get them out when the time is right. The bridal shower gift poem is entertaining and it provides a lot of simple household gifts for the bride. Gifts like laundry detergent, dish soap, sponges, furniture polish, spices…the list goes on and on.

If you are shopping and you see a new product whose name is a word you can use in your shower gift poem you are going to get all excited. It sounds silly, doesn’t it? But you will. This is one of those gift ideas you can get into quickly. It’s a word game after all, and they are fun. In this word game you also try to rhyme and give gifts the new couple will be able to use.

So the bridal shower gift poem is a helpful gift and a fun time at the shower…so find one today and get to the grocery store to pick up ALL those wonderful household products that will bring some LIFE to your wedding shower ideas!

Make sure you give a print out of this fun bridal shower poem to the bride to be…you can print it out on a decorated sheet of paper or you can frame it for her as a keepsake of her wedding shower!

For a fun time make sure to have lots of bridal shower party games planned and find some game prizes to hand out.

Source by Jillian Gallo

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