5 Super Bowl Party Games

5 Super Bowl Party Games

5 Super Bowl Party Games

We’ve all seen cook-offs on TV. Some of us may have even visited or participated in them before. During these culinary competitions, cooks approach the contest with the dedicated practice and aggressive spirit of an athlete. This mindset, along with the festive, food-oriented spirit of the football championship, makes Super Bowl Sunday the perfect setting for a pre-game cook-off.

A Super Bowl party cook-off does take a fair amount of planning and coordination. First, you’ll want to establish what type of cook-off you want to have. Do you want a competition of just one type of food — say, ribs? Or do you want each person to prepare his or her specialty and then have a “best-in-show” winner?

Secondly, you’ll need to figure out if you have the space, time and supplies to have your guests cook at your house or if you’ll need them to prepare their dishes ahead of time. Of course, you know what they say about too many cooks in the kitchen: It might be best for all involved if you have each person prepare his or her food before arriving.

Once the results are in (you can have your guests rate each dish other than their own on a numerical scale of 1 to 5), you can reward your cook-off champion with a gift certificate to a local wings restaurant or sports bar. The reward for everyone else will be the delicious party spread.

The next game suggestion is sure to bring a lot of laughter to your party.

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