Wishes, greetings, images to share on SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook

Promise Day 2021: Wishes, greetings, images to share on SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook

Wishes, greetings, images to share on SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook

Promise Day is celebrated on the fifth day of Valentine’s Week. The day serves as a reminder to reaffirm all the responsibilities and commitments. Celebrated on February 11, Promise Day is followed by Hug Day on February 12, Kiss Day on 13th and the much awaited Valentine’s Day on February 14. In a relationship, promises hold a great significance. Each promise signifies your commitment to the relationship and how much you love and care for your loved ones. These promises are made with honest intentions and fulfilling them makes them meaningful.

This Promise Day, go ahead and celebrate the special day with your significant other and express your love for each other with beautiful quotes. Here is a list of quotes, images, wishes and greetings that you can share with your loved ones.

  • Speaking without egos,
    Loving without intentions,
    Caring without expectations,
    I promise to be always with you.
    Happy Promise Day!

  • Don’t promise me the Moon and the stars,
    Promise me to watch them with me, now and always.
    Happy Promise Day!

  • Don’t talk, just act.
    Don’t say, just show.
    Don’t promise, just prove.
    Happy Promise Day!

Promise Day 2021: Wishes, greetings, images to share on SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook

Promise Day 2021: Wishes, greetings, images to share on SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook

Promise Day 2021: Wishes, greetings, images to share on SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook

Promise Day 2021: Wishes, greetings, images to share on SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook

Promise Day 2021: Wishes, greetings, images to share on SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook

Promise Day 2021: Wishes, greetings, images to share on SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook

Promise Day 2021: Wishes, greetings, images to share on SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook

Promise Day 2021: Wishes, greetings, images to share on SMS, WhatsApp, Facebook

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