Valentines Day Facts Trivia – Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Valentines Day Facts Trivia - Celebrate Valentine's Day

Valentines Day Facts Trivia – Celebrate Valentine’s Day

It would be interesting to enhance your knowledge by knowing Valentines Day facts trivia. Valentines Day facts for kids are also mentioned below.

Valentines Day Cupid

The Valentine’s Day is celebrated throughout the world with zeal and enthusiasm. This auspicious day has interesting legends associated with it and reasons for its celebration as well. The Valentine’s Day has been celebrated for a long time but the ways of celebration has changed. There are lots of information about the number of cards, flowers and gifts being exchanged on this special day. It would be great fun to know some of such amazing facts about this occasion…

  • The Valentine’s Day is observed every year on February 14th.
  • St. Valentine, who was a Roman clergyman, was executed on February 14th, about 270 A.D.
  • The Valentine’s Day is observed as the second-most popular greeting-card-giving occasion, according to Hallmark research.
  • The number of Valentine’s Day cards exchanged annually is around 180 million.
  • Over 1 billion Valentine cards are sent in the U.S each year.
  • The oldest known greeting card in existence is a Valentine card.
  • The oldest Valentine card was made in the 1400’s.
  • The oldest Valentine card can be admired at the British Museum (London).
  • Commercial valentines were introduced in the 1800’s.
  • The tradition of presenting elaborate handmade messages, cards and gifts to each other became popular during the 17th century.
  • By the 19th century printed Valentine’s Day cards, which were extremely fashionable were on sale.
  • In 1825 the Post Office handled more than 200,000 letters on St Valentine’s Day, which is far more than the usual number of letters.
  • Over 50 million roses are given on the Valentine’s Day each year.
  • A Frenchman, Charles, Duke of Orleans is credited with writing the first Valentine.
  • The date February 14th is traditionally known for the time when birds choose their mates.
  • Roman festival of ‘Lupercalia’ – ‘The Wolf’ was celebrated on February 15th – where young men held a lottery to decide which girl would be theirs.
  • Cupid, Doves, Love Birds, Roses, Hearts and Arrows are all symbols of the Valentine’s Day Holiday.
  • During the middle of the 17th century even married people used to take a Valentine, interestingly, which was not always their legal ‘better half’!
  • In the Medieval times, girls used to eat unusual foods on the St Valentine’s Day. It was believed that by doing so they would dream of their future husband.
  • During the Middle Ages, it was a common belief that the first unmarried person of the opposite sex a person meets on the morning of St Valentine’s Day, would become his / her spouse.
  • The modern day celebration of Valentine’s Day seems to have begun in France and England.

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