Unusual Christmas Traditions #3 ~ Roller Skating to Church in Venezuela

Unusual Christmas Traditions #3 ~ Roller Skating to Church in Venezuela

Unusual Christmas Traditions #3 ~ Roller Skating to Church in Venezuela

With 88% of the Venezuelan population identified as Christian – the majority of which are Catholic – it is no wonder that Christmas is a big deal in this South American country.  In Venezuela, attending early morning Christmas mass is a not to be stepped on lightly but you can certainly “roll” with it. You see church goers in Venezuela and in particular the city of Caracas, roll to mass on skates.

Roller skating to church may not seem that unusual until you picture an entire city on roller skates in the wee hours of  the morning. The government is totally supportive of this activity and helps by blocking off vehicular access to certain areas until 8AM to allow these holy rollers to make it to Church on time. Masses known as  Misas de Aguinaldo, are held each morning starting December 16th  until December 24th.  To ensure that all worshipers get to mass on time during Christmas, residents light firecrackers and ring bells early in the morning hours.

Images Credit Wikimedia and Pixaby

  • Question of

    Do you roller skate?