The Best Super Bowl Party Games: 6 Ways To Bet With Your Friends

The Best Super Bowl Party Games: 6 Ways To Bet With Your Friends

The Best Super Bowl Party Games: 6 Ways To Bet With Your Friends

Super Bowl Sunday is arguably the best betting holiday of the year. And after talking about the side, over/under and the never-ending props for two weeks, the action hardly stops once you finalize your wagers — especially if you watch the game at a party or with a few friends.

One of my favorite parts about Super Bowl Sunday (besides my bets and the food/drinks) is all of betting party games. They just add to the atmosphere and get everyone’s juices flowing that much more in what is sadly the last meaningful NFL game for the next seven months!

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas or are looking for fresh games, you’ve come to the right place.

But before we get to the list of our favorite games, remember that pre-party communication is the key. Make sure to inform your guests in advance about what betting games you will offer (and the stakes). That way, everyone will come properly prepared if they want to participate.

And if you prefer to watch the game by yourself — hey, I get it … I do when my team makes the Super Bowl, which I wish was as frequently as the Patriots — we have you covered with two free contests on the Action App, including Darren Rovell’s $5K Prop Contest.

Super Bowl Squares 

Audience: General

The most well known Super Bowl betting game — and one you’ve most likely played before. But if you haven’t, check out the article below for a printable sheet and more details.

With the new extra point rules, some of the non-key numbers are not as bad as they used to be, but you obviously still want King 3s and 7s.

Printable Prop Sheet

Audience: Varies

It’s not a true Super Bowl party without a prop sheet to fill out. It’s a fun and easy exercise before the game as everyone argues for their answers (or strategically stays quiet).

The concept is simple: The person who gets the most questions right wins the pot. I personally like to assign the highest buy-in to this game, but know your audience.

You can create your own questions in a variety of formats — multiple choice, fill in the blank, etc. — on topics like…

  • Coin toss? Heads or Tails
  • Company with first commercial?
  • Player to score first touchdown?
  • Leading rusher?
  • How many times will Trump tweet?
  • Gatorade shower color?
  • MVP?

Pro tip: Mix it up with entertainment and sports if you have a bigger crowd.

If you don’t want to go through the trouble of creating your own prop pool, you can simply have everyone download our app and join one of our contests (or combine the scores of both we are offering). Everyone can track their progress on the app — and, hey, someone at your party could end up winning a few extra grand.

You could also just print our prop sheet below if you want a simple 10-question contest. Feel free to adjust point values or have them all equally weighted.

Bonus pro tip: I’ve found that using around 20 questions with varying point values works best for a more advanced crowd. Go with 10 for a more casual audience.

Also, picking the MVP deserves a higher reward than guessing heads or tails, but it’s up to you.

Prop Bankroll Contest

Audience: Bettors

This Super Bowl prop game of strategy is one you want to do with a group of seasoned sports bettors. You can even do this one with just you and one other person if you prefer to watch the game in a less distracted environment.

(If you followed Collin Wilson and I in Las Vegas for the College Football Playoff, you should be familiar with this contest.)

The rules are simple:

  • Participants pick any 10 props they like. You can limit it to one book or allow any.
  • The person who finishes with the highest bankroll wins the pot.

Not only does this reward knowledge, but it’s also a game of strategy. Do you go for all long shots — MVP, first touchdown, etc. — or take a more conservative route? Or do a mix of both?

You can also make this a team game with teams of two (or three or however many you want).

Pass the Cup

Audience: General

This is the easiest of all of the betting games you can play.

Here are the rules:

  1. Everyone puts in a certain dollar amount in a cup.
  2. Create an order to determine how the cup will be passed.
  3. Draw a name to determine who starts with the cup.
  4. The cup passes to the next person on the list after every possession change.
  5. The last one holding the cup takes the pot.

We like to divide this up into quarters to increase the excitement. The person holding the cup at the end of the first and third quarters takes a small amount out. The person at the end of each half gets a bigger payout.

Divide it up however you see fit, but be prepared for the late, meaningless Hail Mary interception cup switch.

Pro tip: You can use a football instead of a cup, but watch out for your token drunk friend who is losing every bet. You can also make the game even more interesting by adding a rule that if someone gets caught putting the cup (or ball) down, the cup changes hands.

And for what it’s worth, if someone passes out (or “falls asleep”) while holding the cup, make them watch the rest of that quarter outside through a window.

MVP Hat Draw

Audience: General

For those who still need more party action, add an MVP draw before kickoff.

All you do is put little pieces of paper with players’ names in a hat and take turns picking. The person who draws the eventual MVP wins the pot, which keeps the game interesting even in the event of a blowout.

Just like you want the 3s and 7s in the squares pool, you obviously want to draw either Jared Goff or Tom Brady for this contest. Quarterbacks have won the MVP in 29 (56%) of 52 Super Bowls.

Pro tip: Have everyone draw two or three names (or more with a small group). You never know when a Dexter Jackson or Malcolm Smith might win MVP.

And if things play out like they did in 1978 — when two Cowboy defensive linemen won MVP in the only Super Bowl to ever have co-MVPs — then I guess everyone gets their money back. Although, I’d think of a more creative way to decide a winner.

Postgame beer pong, anyone?


Audience: General

After having reduced halftime lengths all season, the twice-as-long Super Bowl halftime show will drag on for bettors. Especially with no other games to tune into — unless you bet on some of the Maroon 5 props or the Puppy Bowl.

Since I don’t get involved in any halftime action, I break out the LCR dice once I get any potential second-half plays in. If you have never played before, go buy a set from the store or order here. Just make sure you tell everyone in advance to bring plenty of one dollar bills.

Pro tip: Get extra one dollar bills to change people out when they inevitably forget to bring their own.

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