Sign Compatibility | Ask Oracle

Sign Compatibility | Ask Oracle

Sign Compatibility | Ask Oracle

Aries- Talkative, selfish, emotionally aggressive, but can be sweet friends
Taurus- Easy to talk to, likes to show off, kind of mean sometimes but loyal
Gemini- never knows what they want, fake, smart, creative, loves to talk, sneaky
Cancer- sassy (even men), always in their head, practical, clingy, sensual
Leo- Loves attention, jokesters, kind, loving, can be aggressive, sexy, stubborn
Virgo- very logical, selfless, insecure, modest, smart, fun in an innocent way, nice to people they meet
Libra- bossy, loves newness, loves love, bubbly, talkative, air heads, can’t hold their tongue
Scorpio- Easily annoyed, argumentative, deep thinkers, secretive, creative, self righteous
Sagittarius- Know it all, competitive, big mouth, loveable, giving, intelligent, carefree, attracts attention
Capricorn- Humorous, disciplined, one track mind, close minded, authoritative
Aquarius- talks more than any sign I have ever met, stubborn but can also be easy going, nice,
Pisces- emotionally selfish/distant, great listeners, hard to read, internally sad, beautiful, compassionate, introverted, mean, but easy to love
(My personal experiences with each)

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