SEPTEMBER 28 ZODIAC – Ultimate Guide to Birthday Horoscope

SEPTEMBER 28 ZODIAC - Ultimate Guide to Birthday Horoscope

SEPTEMBER 28 ZODIAC – Ultimate Guide to Birthday Horoscope

September 28 Zodiac Sign

Those born on September 28 are unique and special in their own right. A lot of people say many good things regarding your personality. Of all those things, you score quite highly when it comes to practicality and generosity.

You are a good planner. However, you often fail to follow through some of your plans. However, do not allow this to deter you from your chosen path of progress.

Here is your full horoscope profile. It gives all the details you need regarding your versatile personality.

You are under the Libra zodiac sign. Your astrological symbol is the Scales. It caters to those born between September 23 and October 21. It empowers you with such qualities as justice, hard work, and stability.

The planet Venus plays a critical role in your life. This celestial body exalts your sense of harmony and elegance.

Your chief governing element is Air. This element collaborates closely with Earth, Fire, and Water to add value to your experiences in life.

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Your Astrological Chart Cusp

September 28 zodiac people are on the Virgo-Libra Astrological Cusp. We refer to this as the Cusp of Beauty. The planets Mercury and Venus play a central life in the life of these Cuspers.

Being on this cusp comes with certain clear-cut advantages. It empowers you with an inner beauty that is quite rare. Also, you are graceful, well balanced, as well as outgoing.

The planet Mercury governs your Virgo side, while Venus is in charge of your Libra personality. The mix of these two bodies has a phenomenal influence in your life. As such, you come across as powerfully convincing, charming, and witty.

You possess the powerful determination of Virgo, which is an Earth sign. From the Air sign Libra, you receive the power of sociability and charisma. This means that you have a keen understanding of what motivates people. Thus, you tend to be a favorite of many.

The Cusp of Beauty has given you incredible control over your finances. This means that you are shrewd when it comes to matters of money.

Your astrological chart indicates that your health is good. However, be keen to detoxify your system on a regular basis. You are prone to problems related to adrenal glands and the kidneys.

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Love and Compatibility for September 28 Zodiac

September 28 zodiac lovers are very romantic. You are willing to use your passion to create a lasting impression on the object of your love.

Affectionate, trustworthy, and energetic partners have a special place in your heart. You feel comfortable around them, and you find it easy to offer them the support and protection they need.

However, you are not one to jump into a relationship for the sake of it. You need a very good reason before you commit your heart. Indeed, you would rather concentrate on personal development rather than enter into a controversial relationship.

Surprisingly, the more active Libra behaves in a very different manner. You see, you are likely to fall in love from a tender age. At the same time, you tend to be a person of extremes when it comes to matters of the heart.

There is a thrill attached to this kind of lifestyle. The passion and uncertainty it provides can be quite intoxicating. However, you need to be prepared for its many pitfalls. For example, you and your partner are likely to suffer heartbreaks and other such distress.

The right partner for you is one born under the Aquarius, Gemini, and Pisces zodiacs. You have much in common with these natives. As such, you are highly compatible. This is more so if your lover was born on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 14th, 17th, 19th, 23rd, 25th, 28th & 30th.

A word of caution!

The planetary alignment indicates that you are least compatible with an Aries. You don’t share much with these natives. This means that your relationship with them could be challenging. Take care!

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What are the Traits of a Person Born on September 28?

September 28 zodiac people favor justice. You are at the forefront of fighting for the rights of your closest and dearest. People find refuge in your outspoken personality.

At the same time, you are quite tranquil. You enjoy leading a quiet, peaceful existence preferably close to your loved ones. You are averse to any kind of disruptions and noise.

Although you appear to be cautious, you are very keen when it comes to details. You like leading an orderly life that is governed by what you observe in your environment.

People are motivated by your sense of optimism. It guides you on the path of security and stability. You are not one to expose yourself to risks running after fame.

However, you have a few character weaknesses that you need to work on. These failings will derail your progress unless you handle them decisively.

For example, you tend to belittle those who fail to give you attention. You expect others to notice you at every turn. When this doesn’t happen, you turn condescending and passively aggressive.

Also, you are prone to bouts of anxiety. You suffer from panic, especially when you have to work under pressure. as such, you make mistakes that you could have otherwise avoided.

All in all, you are in the right setting for success. Learn to be more patient with people and their ideas. Everything else will fall into place.

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Famous People who Share the September 28 Birthday

You share the September 28 birthday with a number of prominent people from across the globe. Here are five of them:

  • Javanshir, born 616 – Albanian king
  • Agnolo Firenzuola, born 1494 – Italian poet and playwright
  •  Maria Canals Barrera, born 1966 – American actress and singer
  • Jason Williams, born 1995 – English footballer
  • Frankie Jonas, born 2000 – American actor

Common Characteristics of People Born on September 28

September 28 zodiac people are in the 1st decan of Libra. This decan belongs to those born between September 23 and October 2.

The planet Venus plays a major role in this decan. As such, you display some of the better characteristics of this celestial body. For example, you are affectionate, understanding, and passionate.

You have stellar observation skills. You are always aware of your surroundings. As such, you are very good at composition. You are able to see connections, links, and patterns. This marks you as a good decision-maker.

The September 28 birthday stands for self-confidence, charm, independence, and generosity. These are stepping-stones to your future. Use them wisely!

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Your Career Horoscope

You can excel in the world of arts. You are very observant. As such, you can create an amazing experience from the details you observe.

Now, you don’t have to confine yourself to being a painter only. You can produce outstanding work as a critic or a musician.

Final Thought…

White Smoke is the magic color of people born on September 28. With adequate focus, this color can produce a very effective result. It reflects how you think and act in life.

Your lucky numbers are 7, 10, 17, 28, 35, 43 & 56.

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