New Year’s killings spark call to action to tackle violence against women in France | France


New Year’s killings spark call to action to tackle violence against women in France | France

Feminist activists in France are calling for tougher government action to combat violence against women and girls after three women were murdered by their current or former partner on the first day of 2022.

The body of a 28-year-old conscript who was stabbed to death was found near Saumour in western France on Saturday. The local prosecutor, Alexandra Veron, said a 21-year-old man, also a soldier, had been arrested and investigators were investigating a possible woman murder — the killing of a woman by her partner or ex-partner.

In eastern France, police discovered the body of a 56-year-old woman with a knife in the chest after neighbors in Meurthe-et-Moselle reported a violent dispute. The victim’s husband has been questioned by police and he is due to appear before a judge on Monday.

On Sunday, a 45-year-old woman was found in the trunk of a car on a property in Nice. She was strangled. Police were interviewing the woman’s ex-partner, a 60-year-old man who admitted to a violent altercation with his ex-wife, and their 24-year-old son, whose body was allegedly found in his car.

Nice’s mayor, Christian Estrosi, said he was devastated by the alleged killing and called it “horror”.

The group #NousToutes # accused the French government of keeping a “shameful” silence over the bleak start of the year for women. She said an estimated 220,000 women report spousal violence each year, but judges have ordered the use of electronic bracelets in only 379 cases.

Lina Ben Ahmed, of #NousToutes, told France Info radio: “These killings of women are not isolated cases. They are not an occasional news story. They are systematic violence. The whole system is complicit in these murders as it broadcasts and downplays sexual and sexual violence.” That’s why we are shocked by the government’s silence.”

In France, there were at least 113 femicides last year, up from 102 officially registered in 2020. In 2019, 146 women were murdered.

Féminicides Par Compagnons ou Ex, The Femicide by Partner or Ex Association, which released last year’s figures, said they were just an approximation and almost certainly an underestimate.

“Many events are being considered and are subject to Omerta Public Prosecution offices are not counted.

“No, these are not ‘family dramas’ or ‘breakup dramas’ or ‘sentimental crimes’; they are spousal murders carried out by frustrated men who believe they have a right to kill… who, because of the patriarchal education given to men, believe that they own their women and children and can Do it with their lives as they like.”

Last August, the Minister of the Interior, Gerald Darmanen, announced new measures to combat violence against women and girls, including prioritizing complaints of spousal violence and ensuring that there is at least one officer in each police station and gendarmerie who specializes in treating female victims.

“The number of police and gendarmerie interventions in domestic violence cases is still very high, more than 400,000 (in 2020), 45 every hour,” Darmanin said. “Not a day goes by without [specialist police] The release of a woman or children held hostage.”

In the UK it is estimated that one woman is killed by a man every three days, 62% of whom are at the hands of a current or former partner. A history of abuse was recorded in 59% of killings of women carried out by their partners, ex-partners or a male relative.

Françoise Berry, director of the National Federation of Women’s Solidarity (UNSW), said tougher legislation is needed, including allowing women to hide the address where they live if they leave the family home and partner violently with their children.

Ben Ahmed, of #NousToutes added: “We need training, education and prevention from an early age in schools, high schools and colleges…We are clearly calling on all presidential candidates to make concrete promises that include staff, money and additional materials to address the issue of sexual and sexual violence.”

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