how to plan an out of town bridal shower with lots of out of town guests?

what can you use for orange rainbow tea party?

how to plan an out of town bridal shower with lots of out of town guests?

recently i was in a wedding where the bride’s friends were ALL out of town until two days before the wedding. what we did was…the afternoon before her wedding, we went to a really nice tea garden with all of the women (bridesmaids, family, close friends, grooms mother/sisters, etc..) and there we gave her the gifts that would normally be given for that.

it was nice because she didn’t have to miss out on the experience, and all of the ladies she would want to be there, were able to attend because it was the day before the wedding. it was easy because the only thing involved was choosing a nice setting….the restaurant did the rest.

sorry, can’t help you with a specific place.

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