Fun Facts You’ll Love About Valentines Day

Fun Facts You'll Love About Valentines Day

Fun Facts You’ll Love About Valentines Day

It’s February. The fun of the festive period is well and truly over, and all that is left is a damp mist of winter before spring blooms. But it’s not all doom and gloom – for the loved-up anyway. Valentines is a mere nudge around the corner and perhaps the first of the Valentines day facts should be that it creeps up on you faster that you think. For some, it is just another day, but for others it is a fabulous excuse to have a little romantic rollicking and frivolous fancy for one special day in the year.

Whether or not you are going to celebrate St Valentine’s Day this year, why not enjoy a little fun by reading my 14 Fun Facts on Valentines…

Valentines Day Facts

1. A Roman Affair…

Although no one can pinpoint the exact origin of Valentine’s Day, we know it began in Rome. It either derives from the pagan festival of fertility, ‘Lupercalia’, where naked folk spanked the backsides of young women – or to ‘Valentine of Rome’, a priest who was executed on 14th February for performing secret and forbidden weddings under Emperor Claudius II’s reign. Spanking or Marriage – you decide!

2. Romantic at Heart…

It may be cold outside, but us Brits are a romantic bunch, with around £1.3 billion being spent every year on Valentines cards, flowers, chocolates, lingerie and gifts!

3. A Romantic Proposition…

And if that wasn’t enough, on average, 220,000 of us will propose to a loved one on this day alone each year!

4. One for Sorrow, Two for Joy…

If you simply can’t get enough Valentines in your life – fear not! In Wales you can also celebrate your love on the 25th January for ‘Dydd Santes Dwynwen’ – St Dynwen’s Day, the patron saint of Welsh lovers.

5. The Generous Kind…

Men are far likely to spoil their Valentines, as on average, they spend double the amount of money on gifts than women.

6. But Not that Kind…

However, women buy approximately 85% of all Valentine’s Day cards sold!

7. Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve…

Ever heard the phrase, “wear your heart on your sleeve”? It actually dates back to the Middle Ages, when young people drew names from a bowl to find out who would be their Valentine. When they got their name, they would have to pin it to the sleeves for a week for all to see – they would literally wear their heart on their sleeve!

8. Romeo, Romeo, Where for Art Thou…

Every year, the city of Verona receives over a thousand Valentines cards addressed to Juliet. After all, it is where Shakespeare’s star-crossed lovers lived.

9. Roses are Red, Violets are Blue…

That well-known clichéd poem actually dates back to the 18th Century, when Joseph Ritson included it in a children’s nursery rhyme book!

The rose is red, the violet’s blue,
The honey’s sweet, and so are you.
Thou art my love and I am thine;
I drew thee to my Valentine:
The lot was cast and then I drew,
And Fortune said it should be you.

10. Not Just for Lovers…

If Valentines is just not your thing, fear not – Anti-Valentines Day is celebrated on February 15th. Some see it as an excuse to celebrate with your friends, others see it as a day of sex – for couples, singles, or frenzied fetishists.

11. Sweets for My Sweet…

Although most women will tell you that any day is a good day to be given chocolate, (and most men will tell you that any day is a good day to wear sexy lingerie), Valentines Day makes it even more special. But it was good old Richard Cadbury who initially put Chocolate and Valentines together, with his first ever heart-shaped box of chocolates that he sold for Valentines back in 1868. A recipe of perfection!

12. It’s Not All About the Chocolate…

In the US alone, over 180 million roses are sold on Valentines Day. The most popular colour – Red of course – which was also the favourite flower of Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Valentines Day underwear and lingerie is also a favourite for those planning an exciting end to a romantic evening.

13. A Little Self Appreciation…

It’s not just the men buying the flowers. Around 15% of women actually send themselves flowers on Valentines Day – and why not I say!?

14. Received with Thanks…

Out of everyone, teachers will receive the most cards on Valentines Day, followed by children, mothers, wives – and pets! In fact, over 9 million people buy their pets a gift for Valentines too!

If you have any more Valentines day facts to share then please let us know.

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