Friendship Quotes Archives – Funny & Happy

Friendship is, pure happiness.

Friendship Quotes Archives – Funny & Happy

Friendship is, pure happiness.

Friendship is, growing apart in different countries but always caring.

Friendship is, forgiving each other’s mistakes.

Friendship is, having a fellow clown in the circus of life.

Friendship is, putting an end to an argument with a simple smiley.

Friendship is, smiling, even after the saddest memory ever.

Friendship is, feeling safe.

Friendship is, thinking about the funny moments and laughing alone.

Friendship is, not needing words to communicate.

Friendship is, missing you like crazy.

Friendship is, riding out the peaks and troughs together.

Friendship is, when we win every game of charades.

Friendship is, meeting up.

Friendship is, making important decisions together.

Friendship is, reminding each other of who we truly are.

Friendship is, knowing each others’ embarrassing nicknames.

Friendship is, annoying each other.

Friendship is, good food and hangout.

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