Deep Romantic Love Poems

Deep Romantic Love Poems

Deep Romantic Love Poems

Deep romantic love poems are not like other poems. They express emotion below the surface, capturing the essence from what’s inside the heart needing to be expressed. This is what makes the following love poetry so special.

You see,
romance is everyday life….sharing a bond with a special person who becomes your best friend, your lover, your rock, your everything. Real love is about sharing real life – the ups and the downs. I sincerely hope you enjoy the following poetry as much as I do.
These treasures had a profound impact on me when I read these amazing love words for the first time.

Real Love Is

Photo by Crysrob/

deep romantic love poems

Real love is the look in someone’s eyes

that is meant for you alone,

a gentle kiss that says everything will be okay,

a hand held in just the right way

at just the right time.

Real love is a secret told by one heart

and guarded by another,

a belief that someone knows you

as no one else can,

the little day-to-day acts of thoughtfullness

that go unmentioned but not unnoticed.

Real love is a feeling that no matter where you are,

the deepest part of you

remains with the one you love,

a dream that comes true

with time and trust and a little luck.

Real love is a promise of forever

Author Unknown

Tango’D Love

You approach

I stand erect

anticipate extended hand

guides me to the dance floor

slick and satin black reflects

sophisticated bodies glide

forward, backward, heads cocked

hip to hip we promenade

to throbbing music swells…swelling

slow, slow, quick, quick….slow

thighs whisper push me, pull me

surrender to the pounding beat

accelerates my lower body

undulates back and forth and back

vibrations ripple

skin on skin…pulsating

face to face your mouth slides

onto and into parted lips

connect the movements quicker

quicker now….you lift me

bend me, holding

hold me while the notes explode


J. B. Bernstein

The Mystery

Your eyes drink me,

Love makes them shine,

Your eyes that lean

So close to mine.

We have long been lovers,

We know the range

Of each other’s moods

And how they change;

But when we look

At each other so

Then we feel

How little we know;

The spirit eludes us,

timid and free –

Can I ever know you

Or you know me?

Sara Teasdale

If you have enjoyed these deep romantic love poems, you will appreciate this amazing romantic love poetry. Go ahead….indulge!

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