Christmas Poems For Kids – Christmas Celebration


Christmas Poems For Kids – Christmas Celebration

Most children love Christmas Day. Aside from the fact that they can receive special gifts they’ve always waited for the entire, they can also have fun with different Christmas activities like decorating homes, making Christmas crafts, and participate with different Christmas celebrations and traditions. Make the entire holiday season worthwhile by teaching them the real essence of Christmas. You will be able to do it by letting them read Christmas poems for kids and some inspirational Christmas stories.

Browse and enjoy these children Christmas poems. These Christmas poems for children would surely put a smile on their face as the two of you bond together.

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Merry Christmas Poems for Kids


A Catastrophe

A nice kid’s Christmas poem written by Susie M. Best

If old Kriss Kringle should forget
To travel Christmas eve,
I tell you now, I think next day
The little folks would grieve.

There wouldn’t be a single toy,
A single box or book,
And not a bit of candy in
Their stockings when they’d look

Because, you see, Kriss Kringle has
A “corner” on these things,
‘Tis he, and he alone, who in
The night our presents brings.

Then let us all try to avert
This sad catastrophe,
And hope Kriss Kringle may at least
Remember you and me.

Christian christmas poems for kids


A Christmas Carol

A Christmas poem for children written by Christina Rossetti

In The bleak mid-winter
Frosty winds made moan,
Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like a stone
Snow had fallen, snow on snow,
Snow on snow,
In the bleak mid-winter,
Long ago.

Our God, Heaven cannot hold Him
Nor earth sustain;
Heaven and earth shall flee away
When he comes to reign:
In the bleak mid-winter
A stable place sufficed
The Lord God Almighty
Jesus Christ.
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A Christmas Gift

A nice Christmas poetry composed by Mabel L. Pray

It seems that dear old Santa Claus
One day in old November
Received a note from Dottie D.,
With words and phrases tender,
In which she asked the dear old man
With many words of warning,
To bring her a new Paris doll
On the next Christmas morning.

Just as he started for his sleigh
One eve, in old December,
He turned to Mistress Santa Claus
And said, “Did you remember
About that fine new Paris doll
For wee Dot in the city?
I must not fail to take that gift,
‘Twould be a dreadful pity.”

It was early in the morning,
One day in old December;
A very happy, joyous day
That children all remember,
When Santa, on his mission fleet,
To the nursery came creeping,
And left the fine new Paris doll
Among the others, sleeping.

The holly and the mistletoe
Were bright this winter morning;
One stocking filled from top to toe
The mantel was adorning.
A Christmas tree hung full with gifts,
While underneath, reposing
On an upholstered rocking chair,
The Paris doll was dozing.

Then suddenly from out the gloom
Dot’s other dolls came peeping,
Their hair uncombed, their dresses torn,
And noses red with weeping;
They talked in whispers soft and low,
But tones that grew quite scornful,
About the fate that was to greet
This stranger, sad and mournful.

There were Annabel and Bessie,
That came one cold December;
They hobbled round with broken backs
From falling on the fender.
Then Tommy, Grace, and baby Ruth,
All came one birthday party,
And Rose and Don a year ago,
With Santa Claus so hearty.

They all assembled round the tree,
And then with manners shocking
They pinched and shook the Paris doll,
And cried in words so mocking –
“Why, don’t you know, you stupid thing,
Dot won’t care for another,
She has received this Christmas morn
A dear, sweet baby brother!”

Religious Christmas Poem


Advice From Poor Robin’s Almanac

A cute and fun Christmas poem written Anonymous author

Now that the time has come wherein
Our Savior Christ was born,
The larder’s full of beef and pork,
The granary’s full of corn,

As God hath plenty to thee sent,
Take comfort of thy labors,
And let it never thee repent
To feed thy needy neighbors.

Christmas poems for children to recite


Christmas Child

A short Christmas poem for kids written by Mary E. Carpio

Turn your eyes this Christmas
To the Child who was born
He came into the world
Only to find sorrow and scorn

He knew we needed a Savior
To set us free from sin
No other way to redemption
But to open your heart to Him

Remember this Christmas season,
Material things cannot satisfy
They are but temporary
They disappear and die

But the love of our Savior
A gift that lives eternally
He is that brightest Star
Which shines upon the tree!

Christmas Poems About Christmas Gift


Christmas Gift

A fun Christmas poetry composed by Maureen

The gifts I’d leave beneath your tree,
Aren’t those that you can touch or see,
Not wrapped in Christmas tissue gay
But gifts to bless you every day
The gift of friendship warm and true,
Is one that I would leave for you
Good health and happiness and cheer
To keep you smiling through the year
The gift of peace that comes from God,
With prayer to guide each path you trod
And when your heart has lost its song
The gift of hope to cheer you on
These are the gifts I’d leave for you

short christmas poems for kids


Christmas Is Coming

A Christmas poem of Anonymous author.

Christmas is coming,
The geese are getting fat
Please put a penny
In the old man’s hat
If you haven’t got a penny
A ha’penny will do;
If you haven’t got a ha’penny
Then God bless you!

Wonderful Christmas Poem

Christmas Presents

A children’s Christmas poetry written by Anonymous

Every year Grandma gets a tin of talcum powder.
She always says, ‘Ah my favorite!’
Even before she opens the wrapping
Grandpa always says, ‘Well, I know what’s in here.
Its two pairs of socks. Just what I wanted!’

This year, Aunti Vi had an umbrella in an umbrella-shaped parcel,
I mean, it looked just like an umbrella.
And, before Aunti Vi pulled the paper off,
She said to Mum, ‘It will match that new coat of mine.’

As for Mum and Dad, they just sat there and said,
‘We’ve given each other a joint present this year
It’s a digital clock radio for our bedroom.’
Do you know, they didn’t even bother to wrap it up and put it under the tree!

At the end, when everything had been given out,
Mum said, ‘We mustn’t forget the gift-vouchers from Debbie and Jim.
We sent them a cheque for the same amount.
We always do.’
I call that a bit unimaginative, don’t you?

Maybe, when you come to think about it,
Grown-ups need Father Christmas far more than children do.
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funny christmas poems for kids


Dear Santa

A cute poem for kids this Christmas composed by Stephanie Sanchez

I wrote a letter to Santa the other day
I told him what I wanted for Christmas
I didn’t say diamonds
I didn’t say gold
Or chocolates or riches
I said I wanted you
I want you here with me
Right next to my side
Giving me the love you always gave me
I want you to hold me in your arms and never let me go
I want your eyes to look into
I want to feel your heart beat
I want to hear your voice
I want to feel your touch
I wantt you for Christmas
So Santa please,
Send me the love of my life
M Christmas wish is him,
All to myself
And nothing to tear us apart, again.

Universal Christmas Poem


For the Children or the Grown-Ups

A good inspirational Christmas poems composed by Anonymous

Tis the week before Christmas and every night
As soon as the children are snuggled up tight
And have sleepily murmured their wishes and prayers,
Such fun as goes on in the parlour downstairs!

For Father, Big Brother, and Grandfather too,
Start in with great vigour their youth to renew.
The Grown-ups are having great fun – all is well;
And they play till it’s long past their hour for bed.

They try to solve puzzles and each one enjoys
The magical thrill of mechanical toys,
Even Mother must play with a doll that can talk,
And if you assist it, it’s able to walk.

It’s really no matter if paint may be scratched,
Or a cogwheel, a nut, or a bolt gets detached;
The grown-ups are having great fun – all is well;
The children don’t know it, and Santa won’t tell.

Christmas Poem and Christmas Spirit


Full of the Christmas Spirit

A heartfelt poetry for Christmas written by Copyright © Paul Curtis

Come Christmas day
I will be full of Christmas spirit
Buck fizz with my breakfast
Is only the start of it
Then a sherry with the vicar
After the candles have been lit
And aperitif before lunch
Maybe Vodka or a Gin and it
Wine with every course
Brandy when the pudding is lit
Liqueur with coffee
Then more brandy as we sit
Then when the day is over
I whish shoe a ferry Hacky Fhrismit

Christmas Poem about Carolers


Little Christmas Carolers

A cute Christmas poem for kids and adult written by L.A France

We are a band of carollers,
We march through frost and snow,
But care not for the weather
As on our way we go.

At every hall or cottage
That stands upon our way,
We stop to give the people
Best wishes for the day.

We pray a merry Christmas,
Made bright by Christmas cheer,
With peace, and hope, and gladness
And all they may hold dear.

And for all those that happen
To pass us on our way
We have a smile, and wish them
A merry Christmas-day.

Secret Christmas Poem


My Christmas Secrets

A good poem written by S.C. Peabody

Hurry Christmas! How you creep,
I’ve some presents I can’t keep,
Just this morning I forgot,
And told baby what I’d bought.

All he answered was, “Goo goo!”
So I don’t think that he knew,
I told mamma hers was white,
And she’d wear it every night.

That she’d need it getting tea.
Then my mamma smiled at me,
And she whispered, “Isn’t May
Letting secrets fly away?”

Christmas Poem about Baby Jesus


Oh Little Child

Inspirational poems for kids written ©2001Roger J. Robicheau

Oh Little child so near the tree
The precious view you clearly see

Adorned in white, a glistened sight
A chilling warmth, it’s nearly night

Excitement grows within each eye
A splendid match, so bright yet shy

You make each wish, each secret part
A ray with God, so fills your heart

Your wants are small, unselfish child
Not to be wrapped, branded or styled

A world of hope, filled full of peace
A caring call, let love increase

Next year this child so wants to be
Back out to watch, this growing tree

What of our wants as time goes by
Will hope and peace and love climb high

short christmas poems for children


Reason for the Season

A nice x-mas poem for children composed by Anonymous

When eggnog’s generously filling
Each and every Christmas mug
And siblings tour miles and miles
To greet you with a hug

There’s scarce else I’ll be wishing
Than this simple little prayer
Of peace and calm and blessings much
On Christmas Day this year.

Christmas poem About Santa Claus


Santa Claus

A kid’s poem for Christmas composed by W.S.C.

S stands for stockings we hang up so high.
A is for all we get if we don’t cry.
N is for nobody he will pass by.
T is for to-morrow, the day we eat pie.
A stands for at last old Santa is nigh.

C for the children who love him so well.
L for the little girl, his name she can spell.
A stands for apples so rosy and red.
U is for us as we wait for his sled.
S stands for Santa Claus, who comes in the night
when we are tucked up in bed with our eyes
closed so tight

funny christmas poems for children


Santa Claus’s Visit

Know when Santa’s going to visit you with this poem written by Susie M. Best

With a click and a clack
And a great big pack,
Down through the chimney,
Pretty nimbly
Somebody comes on Christmas eve!

If we are real nice
And as still as mice,
If we never peep,
And are sound asleep,
He’ll fill our stockings, I do believe!

And when we arise
Next day our eyes
Will grow big to see
How perfectly
He knew what we all wished to receive!

Santa’s New Idea

Poem of Anonymous

Said Santa Claus
One winter’s night,
‘I really think it’s only right
That gifts should have a little say
‘Bout where they’ll be on Christmas Day.’

So then and there
He called the toys
Intended for good girls and boys,
And when they’d settled down to hear,
He made his plan for them quite clear.

These were his words:
‘Soon now,’ he said,
‘You’ll all be speeding off with me
To being the Christmas joy and cheer
To little ones both far and near.

‘Here’s my idea,
It seems but fair
That you should each one have a share
In choosing homes where you will stay
On and after Christmas Day.

‘Now the next weeks
Before we go
Over the miles of glistening snow
Find out the tots that you like best
And think much nicer than the rest.’

The toys called out
‘Hurrah! Hurrah!
What fun to live always and play
With folks we choose – they’ll surely be
Selected very carefully.’

So, children dear,
When you do see
Your toys in socks or on a tree,
You’ll know in all the world ‘twas you
They wanted to be given to.

christmas poems for young children


Silent Christmas Carol

Author of this Christmas poem is unknown.

In the bleak mid-winter
Frosty winds moan,
Earth stood hard as iron,
Water like stone
Snow had fallen, snow on snow,
In the bleak mid-winter, long ago

Our God, Heaven cannot hold Him
Nor earth sustain;
Heaven and Earth shall flee away
When he comes to reign;
In the bleak mid-winter
A stable place sufficed
For Lord Jesus Christ

kids short christmas poems


Snow On The Cactus

Love snow? You might love this poem, too written by Juan Manuel Perez

Snow in Texas Canyon.
Snow in the Dragoon Mountains.
Near Cochise and Geronimo’s Stronghold;
Snow on Triangle T Ranch.

Snow on the cactus.
Snow on the pine trees.
Snow on the big rocks.
Snow at the very end of March.

Come to sunny Arizona. Ha!
…Though not really complaining.
I just wasn’t ready to see
snow on the cactus.

short kids christmas poems


Snowman Blues

A cute poem perfect for kids in Christmas written by Copyright © Paul Curtis

Out of the snowy lawn
The snowman grew
Wearing a hat and scarf
The way that you do

With pebbles for eyes
pressed into the snow
A smiley twig mouth
And a large carrot nose

He’s a magnificent site
The snowman that grew
But he’s just snow and ice
And no substitute for you
I wish you were here
To chase the blues away
I wish you’d come back
To me for Christmas day


To Santa Claus

A child sending wishes to Santa Claus, a poem composed by Jennie D. Moore

Dear Santa Claus, I’ll let you know
The few things that I need,
And if you’ll bring them to me
I’ll be much obliged indeed.

I want a horse and wagon,
And a boat that’s painted red,
An elephant, a jumping-jack—
You need not bring a sled,

For I have one very pretty;
But I want a trotting-horse,
A man who wheels a wheel-barrow,
And candy, too, of course.

Now, Santa dear, you’ll not forget.
I wish you’d write them down,
And leave them all at my house
When you journey through the town.



A Christmas card poem written by Anonymous

The funniest face
looked out at me
From a silver ball
On the Christmas Tree!

At first I thought
It was Santa’s elf,
But I looked again and
It was just myself!

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