Cheer Fundraising Ideas – We Provide Profitable Cheer Fundraisding Ideas

Cheer Fundraising Ideas - We Provide Profitable Cheer Fundraisding Ideas

Cheer Fundraising Ideas – We Provide Profitable Cheer Fundraisding Ideas

ATTENTION: Booster moms looking for cheer fundraising ideas …

21 Profitable Cheer Fundraising Ideas

Hey cheer booster moms! Learn how to raise awesome amounts of money for your next cheerleading fundraiser.  You have come to the right place.  We provide you with 100% risk free answers. 21 easy fundraisers for cheerleaders and their boosters – we have them.

cheerleading fundraisers

We don’t need to tell you how much your cheerleading squad needs your help to pay for travel expenses and competition fees. These 21 great ideas are sure to help your school raise the funds you will need to send your cheerleaders to their next competition. Each of these are fun ways to get donations from your community.

Easy Cheer Fundraisers

Are you ready?

We hope you find these fundraiser ideas for cheerleaders helpful because they have helped schools  raise money all over the country.

1. Sell candy – cheerleading fundraisers

Kids love candy. So do BIG kids 🙂

Give people what they want to eat. You can either do this two ways.

Option one is for your cheer team to lay the money out of pocket and get some candy to resale.

What you don’t want to spend money up front???

We don’t blame you!

Then option 2 is for you— Our spring and winter fundraiser catalogs have plenty of candy sale ideas for cheerleaders. 

  • Do you want a successful cheer fundraiser? Then SELL chocolate to raise money.
  • Up to 50% profit on every order.
  • PLUS 100% risk free with no upfront costs.

Start a chocolate fundraiser.cheer teams can sell chocolate

Sell chocolate candy that has that old fashioned homemade taste. This works any time of the year.

So, how many chocoholics do you know? Make a list of their names. Take video and pictures of people eating the chocolate and show it to your customers.

The good news is that you keep up to 50% of the profits based on how much you sell. These profitable fundraisers deserve 3 cheers! 

2. Candle sales

We have a great set of three “Time to shine” boutique holders. You can now add sparkle and shine to your home with these three gold tinted glass votive or tea light holders. One says Time to shine. the second one says pour some glitter on. The third one says ‘tis the season to sparkle. Your friends and family can put any inexpensive candle they want inside of it.

Is this candle fundraiser profitable? With a $16 retail price your squad earns up to 50% profit. By the way this works great for church fundraising, youth group fundraisers and dance team fundraisers too.

3. Doughnut sales

So how can you make money with donuts? There are several ways to raise funds with this school fundraising idea. What makes this so popular? People enjoy eating donuts!

  • Team up with Krispy Kreme.
  • Is there a local family owned donut shop in your area? Make a deal to bring the new customers.
  • Ask the moms in your booster club to make donuts that you can resell.

Can you see how this can help your cheerleaders raise cash quickly?

4. Offer a gift wrapping service

There’s a fun way to make extra money whether you were selling wrapping paper or not. Imagine your cheerleaders wrapping gifts on a Saturday afternoon. You could charge a flat fee for each gift and have your customers drop them off at your School or one of the booster mom’s homes. Make your fees affordable and you will get lots of business from people. You can learn more about the gift wrapping service fundraiser here.

More profitable Cheer Fundraising Ideas…!


5. Give me a D! The cheerleaders squad dinner event

This is a fun way to raise money for your team while helping local restaurants struggling in your community. How does it work?

  • What restaurants do you like to eat at? What kind of food do you like? Approach the owner and tell them your plans.
  • Pick a day for your special dinner event.
  • Create a dinner fundraising flyer with the name of your cheer squad on it. Arrange to get a percentage of all sales generated by your Cheer fundraising flyers.
  • Have a party at the restaurant. Usually there’s a back room you can rent. Your girls earn a percentage of all sales generated.
  • Do a photo session with some cheers to entertain the diners at the restaurant. Arrange to get some press from your local paper.
  • Put  the pictures up on instagram to show everyone how much fun you have at your restaurant events.

6. Virtual cheerleader clinics.

Host camps on zoom and charge a registration fee. What are some things that you can teach at your next cheerleading camp?

Here are some common searches on google:

  • How to do a cheer ponytail
  • How to do a cheer jump
  • Or how to do a cheer toe touch
  • How to do a cheer kick
  • How to do a cheer stunt
  • And even how to do a cheer needle for beginners

Once you pick a day you can start advertising your cheerleading squads camps agenda. Take pictures and submit them to your favorite social media pages to get people excited about signing up. You can do zoom classes or even private classes to get the next generation excited about joining varsity. Charge entry fees and start collecting a lot of money for your cause. Host your cheerleading camps and give young people the feel of what it is like to be a star!

7. Penny for your thoughts?

Penny wars have been a popular way to raise money for school teams. Do they still work today? Probably more than ever.

Why do we say that?

Simply put, many people worried about spending money right now. However, they’re willing to give spare change to help a good cause. So what if you had a contest to see which team member can raise the most spare change? This can very quickly add up and be an additional way your squad to raise money during the cheer season.  By the way, this is also a great nonprofit fundraising activity to host for any cause or charity in your community.

8. Snack Sales for Cheer Fundraising Ideas

Did you know you can raise money with a snack fundraiser? There are several ways for cheerleaders to do this but here are just a few to try.

  • You can purchase snack cakes in bulk and then sell them to the students at lunchtime in the lunch room for a dollar each.
  • Parents from the booster club can make treats that can be sold the same way.
  • Finally the last way is to have a snack fundraiser using one of our brochures. And this snack fundraising brochure the treats retail for only eight dollars and your squad earns up to 50% profit per sale.  How does chocolate covered almonds sound to you? Gummy fruit slices, Hawaiian delight, peanut squares and chocolate covered raisins or just a small sample.

9. Game day.

Moms and dads are always looking for fun family activity for their kids. Why not schedule and host a game day? You can either charge an entry fee or sell tickets to play each game. Make it affordable and people will have a good time and you’ll still earn plenty of money. Remember to have concession stands and sell snacks, drinks and treats.

What kind of games can your cheerleading squads have? This is limited only by your imagination. Think about a giant tic-tac-toe board, guessing games, volley ball, basket ball, lawn bowling, etc. Make it fun and people will gladly pay an entry fee. Pick a day and then start spreading the word! Create your invitation. Submit pictures to instagram and facebook to show everyone how much fun you had.

Additional Successful Cheer Fundraising Ideas


10. Selling school merchandise.

You can create backpacks, drink tumblers frisbees, hooded sweatshirts & hats with your school logo or your team logo. Don’t be surprised how popular these items will become!

11. Tee shirt fundraiser

Furthermore, hold a contest for a new design for the official school tee shirt each year. You can provide a prize for the winner and sell the new official school tee shirt to raise funds. Boost the school team spirit with this cheerleading event.

sell wrapping paper

12. Selling wrapping paper this holiday season.


It is because your friends and family will be buying wrapping paper, bows and ribbons anyway.

Let them support your cheerleading squad instead of Walmart with these amazing holiday products and merchandise.

What you want more ideas?

13. Pep Rallies

You can also hold an old fashioned pep rally and charge an entrance fee. These are great for pumping up your friends about the upcoming games you will be playing. Cheerleading and football fundraising go hand in hand.

14. Raffle tickets

Ask a local business owner to donate a prize. Then sell tickets or cards for people to enter the contest. You make money for every raffle ticket you sell. All you have to do is pay for the cost of the ticket printing. This means everything else is pure profit for your cheerleading booster club. The lesson? Sell raffle tickets! It works.

sell cookie dough15. Gourmet cookie dough

Ask people if they remember making home made cookies as  a kid.

Then ask them what their FAVORITE flavor was.

Finally, simply show people the brochure and tell them why you are having the sale and how it will help you personally.

The cost of this food fundraiser is only $10, making it affordable for almost everyone. Many schools have earned thousands of dollars with this program.

By the way, these also pay up to 50% on every sale.

More Fundraising For Cheerleaders Ideas


16. The Team car wash event

Wash cars on a Saturday morning. You can have the girls holding signs and waving to passing cars. This car wash fundraiser works great in the spring and summer months. Just imagine your squad raising a few hundred dollars with just a bucket and a few rags!

17. Car wash joint venture

Find a local car wash that pays you a percentage of every car wash you sell. Have them make up a card that has your cheerleading team name on it. When people get a car wash, your squad will get a portion of the proceeds.

18. Cheerleader breakfast fundraisers

Sell tickets to an all-you-can-eat breakfast fundraiser that the cheerleaders sponsor. You can do a pancake fundraiser and do all the work. On the other hand, you can make a deal with a local restaurant for a portion of the total tab.

You will make more money doing it yourself. However, there is no work for the booster parents if you get a restaurant to sponsor you. Either way you win because your donors like to eat food and will be glad to support you.

19. Yard sale fundraisers

Do a garage sale. Get everyone to bring their stuff over to one person’s home. All proceeds can go to the booster club. This works great after spring cleaning. One cheer leader’s junk can be a treasure for someone else. Have fun making money for your cheerleader squad selling old stuff!

sell popcorn20. Selling Popcorn for your Cheerleading Squad

AND—Your members will love earning up to 50% on each sale.

13.Find a fundraising product to sell this holiday season.

Now this is left to your imagination. However, many teams have raised a lot of money selling some of the products in our winter holiday brochures. For instance, some of the girls have tried some of these ideas for schools:

  • Costume jewelry
  • Healthy snack food
  • Adult coloring books
  • Travel mugs
  • Decorative holiday candles
  • Funnel cake mix
  • Auntie Annes pretzel mix
  • Neat kitchen gizmos and gadgets for making great Sunday morning breakfasts!
  • Trail mix.
  • Gifts for mom, dad and everyone in the family

Each fundraising product gives you an opportunity to earn up to 50% profit.

21. Card fundraising for school

Here are 2 school fundraising ideas selling cards by working with local businesses in your community.

Card fundraising includes working with a local stationary store or artist and selling cards. You can sell cards for every occasion including holiday, birthdays, anniversaries, get well and congratulations too.

You can also sell a discount card. As an example sell discount cards and earn a profit on each one. You can either sell a buy one get one free dinner card or maybe a buy 6 oil changes and get the 7th free. This is only limited by your imagination. There are starving businesses in your community that would be happy to create an offer for your booster club. This is a great alternative to selling scratch cards.

Commonly asked questions:

What Is A Cheer Booster Club?

A Cheerleading Booster Club is a non-profit organization that is made up of parents & guardians of cheerleaders. There is usually a president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary.

So, what Is The Purpose Of The Cheerleading Team Booster Club?

It is organized to develop, promote, supervise and assist fundraising events for team members to reduce their out-of-pocket costs for tournaments. Furthermore, fundraiser money typically goes towards helping to pay for tournament competition & crossover fees.

The Booster Club may offer many fundraisers throughout the season to help offset these costs. However, fund raised money can never be used to cover the girls’ tuition fees.

What are the most profitable fundraisers?

Booster clubs are loving our brochure fundraisers because they not only sell quality products the team can earn up to 50% profit on every sale. How much can you earn this way? Imagine earning $5 on every cookie dough tub you sell or $4 for gourmet popcorn. Adds up very quickly!

How do you get sponsors for cheerleading?

Did you know there are small businesses in your community that would gladly to give you money? Remember there is no such thing as a free lunch. However, small business owners would gladly sponsor you for bringing them new business. You can learn more here about getting cheer team sponsors.

How can I fundraise a lot of money fast running Cheer Fundraising Ideas?

How serious are you about raising quick cash? Get some signs and wash some cars this weekend. You can either put up signs or make up flyers and offer to do yard work. Do you have a little more time to plan? Then learn about our free fundraiser brochure program.

What companies offer Cheer Fundraising Ideas?

Don’t start from scratch — Additional Cheer Fundraising Ideas Tips

Here are a few more fundraising activities and ideas to use during your planning stages of your next event.

  • Brainstorm for as many different ideas as possible for your next fundraising campaign.
  • So, how much money do you need to raise for your team? Set a financial goal you want to reach.
  • Additionally, when do you need it by?
  • Select a fundraising company to work with. (By the way, we would be honored to earn your trust and business. Our program is simple. Our terms are fair, You have no upfront costs and only pay for what you sell.)
  • Choose the ideal fundraising brochure for your team.
  • Grab a calendar  and set your start and end date of your event.
  • Spread the word to your friends and family about your event because they can only support you to the extent you get them excited by it. How can you spread the word? How about developing a few custom cheers for your upcoming event? Besides word of mouth you can use flyers, email, texting and social media sites like facebook, instagram, snapchat and twitter too.
  • Be sure to tell your fans and potential donors why you are raising money for your team.

cheer fundraising tips

Finally, remember that the successful cheerleading booster fundraisers are successful for a reason.

  1. They take the time to plan.
  2. Successful booster clubs get help instead of trying to figure this out on their own.
  3. They take massive action until they reach their fundraising goal.

What will you do next for cheer fundraising ideas?

In conclusion, we recommend using more than one way to raise money for your cheerleading booster club. So, how many of these great ideas can you use to send your team members to your next competition?

Whether this is your first cheerleading fundraising experience or not, we have catalogs and brochures to help everyone.

Finally, the good news is that you don’t have to do come up with sports fundraising ideas alone.

Why re-invent the wheel when you can have a fundraising expert answer all your questions?  Learn how to raise the funds you need for your fundraising event or cause. Because a coach can help you bypass the many pitfalls that come with our brochure programs. 

You may also enjoy reading the following helpful cheerleading fundraising  tips:

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