Celebrate Steak and BJ Day 2022 with hilarious memes and tweets


Celebrate Steak and BJ Day 2022 with hilarious memes and tweets


March 14 is a month after Valentine’s Day, but many people don’t actually know it’s an unofficial holiday in itself.

What holiday could that be? I hear you ask. Well, March 14th is Steak and BJ Day. People around the world mostly observed the holiday online, posting their plans for the day on Twitter.

Here’s everything we know about Steak and BJ Day, and our favorite reactions from 2022.

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What is Steak and BJ Day?

Steak and BJ Day is a somewhat ironic holiday that started out as an internet response to Valentine’s Day. It takes place on March 14, a month after February 14.

The day is basically described as “men’s” Valentine’s Day, and they are expected to eat steak and have good luck.

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March 14 is also known as Pi Day around the world. Pi is a symbol used in mathematics to represent the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

On Pi Day, math lovers recite as many Pi numbers as possible, eat pies, and talk math. All in all, it’s healthier than Steak and BJ Day.

How is Steak and BJ Day celebrated?

I don’t think I need to spell it out for you, it’s in the name.

Interestingly, there is a Facebook page called “Steak and BJ Day” whose whole purpose is to post this day of the year. For Valentine’s Day this year, the page reads:

“That time of year! Reminder: Valentine’s Day is Monday. Time is running out for reservations, flowers or gifts. Treat her special on her day, so she’ll treat you special on March 14th.”

The page encourages Steak and BJ Day attendees to share pictures of their steaks in the comments section, which is always inundated with keen sharing!

Steak and BJ Poetry to mark the day

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