A Funny Fathers Day Poem

A Funny Fathers Day Poem

A Funny Fathers Day Poem


I’ve been collecting poetry since I was a child. I was always taught that laughter was the best medicine. So when I run across a funny poem, I cherise it. Many times I will copy the poem so I can add it to my scrapbook of poetry.

I found a funny Fathers Day poem I thought you would like, then I ran across several more. So I decided to share several of them with you, most by one of my favorite poets, D. Alsup. If they put a smile on your face or a chuckle in your voice then enjoy the medicine they have brought to you.


Daddy you’re my hero,

Give me a horsey ride.

Daddy your my hero,

Let’s stop for hot dogs,

With fries on the side.

Daddy you’re my hero,

I love to hug you around the neck.

You’re so good to all of us ,

give me a kiss and a peck.



I love my Daddy,

He’s my big teddy bear.

I love to run my fingers through his hair.

I love the way he smiles,

it covers his whole face,

And when he laughs,

Oh boy,

It brings such happiness to the place.

I love my Daddy.

I love my Daddy,

He’s the strongest man in the world,

And everyone says I’m the luckiest little girl.

I love the way he grins,

And I know what’s coming next,

Oh boy,

I never can get ready,

For all those tickles,

But I love them the best..

I love my Daddy.



My dirty little hand print

I’ve left on every wall

And on the drawers and table tops

I’ve really marked them all.

But there is one that won’t rub off,

I’m giving it to you…

Do you know why??

Well, I’m so thankful

to have a father like you.



When you took me fising dad

It was quite great.

We got the worms and extra bait,

But for the life of me,

I couldn’t figure out,

How we’d catch fried fish on a plate?

You showed me how to bait the hook,

You showed me how to cast my line.

We put our bells on for alert.

All that was pretty cool and fine.

We sat there in the morning mist,

We later ate our sandwiches.

We watched the speed boats and sea gulls fly.

We watched the sun set in the sky.

But I didn’t want to interfere,

I didn’t want to ask,

When would the fried fish come up?

Oh Well,

Maybe with the next cast.

D. Alsup


Daddy you’re so funny

You really make us laugh.

We like the way you scratch your back

on the doorway

that we pass.

We like the way you make that lawnmower start

when it doesn’t want to start

You give it a pull,

a pull and a snap

and voila,

we’re cutting grass

in the front and the back.

We like the way you fix the car

when anything goes wrong

You say we’ll save on repair and labor fees

It will make our money strong.

We like the way you snore at night

when all is said and done

You’ve tucked us in and read a book,

Each day is so much fun.

D. Alsup


My dad is a little strange.

Sometimes I wish I could tell him that.

I tell him I need a pizza,

He tells me I need a new hat.

I tell him I need a new pair of gym shoes,

He asks me did I smell that?

I tell him I want to stay out late,

He tells me white would be a great color,

for me to paint the gate.

I tell him I’m finished with my homework,

He’ll ask me did I check it twice

If so reset the mice traps

You know your mama don’t like no mice.

My Dad is a little strange.

D. Alsup

Thank You for visiting. Let us know if you enjoyed the poems. If you have any poetry for Father’s Day for Kids you would like to share, please send us a comment with your selections for all to enjoy.

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