Beautiful Birthday Love Poems

birthday love poems

Beautiful Birthday Love Poems

Photo by Git/

birthday love poems

This original creation of birthday love poems are to help you find those beautiful love words
for a special birthday wish to that person who means something in your life. I hope these words inspire you to
speak from your heart and convey those emotions that will surely be appreciated and cherished by the birthday guy or gal.

Birthday Honors

On this special day, I’m honored to share with you,

what makes you important to my life….it’s true.

Each passing day, you weave your warmth around me,

until it’s clear for me to see,

I am the lucky one to have you in my life,

giving me the gift of yourself,

making everything all right.

Happy Birthday, Babe.

Today is about you…just like other day in my life.

Our future is more than promising, it’s looking bright.

So on your Birthday, I simply want you to know,

How much you mean to me, you’re the star of my life’s show.

Love Always………

Birthday Love Poems created by K.Y.B

On Your Beautiful Day

And to think, it started with a glance,

my eyes meeting yours.

That’s when I knew, I needed something more.

It developed into special, leading to a touch.

That’s when I knew, I needed to kiss you so very much.

Things skyrocketed from there, turning special into beautiful.

This is why on your birthday, I simply have to say,

you continue to make my life beautiful,

in your own incredible way.

I Love You………

Birthday Love Poems created by K.Y.B

Birthday Connection

I know it’s your birthday, but I feel like its mine,

To be in a relationship that is simply divine.

Like every couple, we have our shares of ups and downs,

But every moment with you is worth,

this amazing connection we’ve found.

We have it like that…… you and I.

Therefore, I never question why,

I’m lucky enough to have you in my world.

Instead I savor, appreciate, and cherish the swirl,

of strong emotions and tender thoughts,

Leading to me say that I have not,

forgotten what’s important to me.

Your birthday is the perfect time to remind,

how amazing you are…don’t you see?

I Love You………..

Birthday Love Poems created by K.Y.B

Love is a Funny Thing

Love is a funny thing.

How was I to know that on this day,

fate would be set?

I never would have bet,

to find someone so special and real,

Who brings out the best in me,

that’s why I feel,

overwhelming good and bursting with love,

because we fit together like hand and glove.

Love is a funny thing, this I know.

Fate is reminding with warmth aglow.

You were meant for me and your birthday proves,

to never underestimate the magic of special,

Which is me and you.

Happy Birthday, Sweetheart………

Birthday Love Poems created by K.Y.B

Cheery Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you,

We are happy it’s true.

We’re together and thriving,

Happy Birthday to you.

Hugs and Kisses…………

Birthday Love Poems created by K.Y.B

Special Birthday Message For You

Y – you bring me to my knees with your smile.

O – our time together means so much to me.

U – unique and special describes you to a tee.

A – amazingly sweet and I like it.

R – ripe for me to savor. Yummy.

E – erotically incredible.

S – sparkling eyes that pull me in.

P – passionate and fun to be with.

E – especailly right for me.

C – caring and kind.

I – incredibly gifted and talented.

A – always in my thoughts.

L – like I haven’t covered it all?

I figured your birthday is the perfect time

to let you know how special you are to me….
just in case you were wondering.

Happy Birthday………..

Birthday Love Poems created by K.Y.B

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