143 Best Happy Valentine’s Day Quotes For All The Important People In Your Life

143 Best Happy Valentine's Day Quotes For All The Important People In Your Life

143 Best Happy Valentine’s Day Quotes For All The Important People In Your Life

Valentine’s Day evolved out of ancient Roman law. When Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage for young men, St. Valentine carried out weddings in secret, eventually becoming one of the most prolific (and romantic!) figures in the Middle Ages.

Pope Gelasius officially designated February 14th as St. Valentine’s Day in the 5th century, though not yet associated with love — that didn’t happen until the 17th century.

These days, Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the United States as well as Canada, Mexico, the UK, France, and Australia.

Valentine’s Day is supposed to be about celebrating our loved ones and bringing them close. It is about choosing your partner and proving to them that they are “our person.” It is about loving those close to us and making sure that the people we cherish feel that love — before it’s too late.

We often celebrate by giving Valentine’s Day gifts like red roses and chocolate to our loved ones as a way to show our love. But when it comes to writing a card to go along with those gifts, finding the right words to say can be tough!

What do you say in a Valentine’s Day card?

Valentine’s Day cards don’t have to be overly sappy and romantic.

A good Valentine’s Day message comes straight from the heart while still remaining true to your relationship.

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