2021 Calendar – Pagan, Moon, and Astrological Dates

2020 Calendar - Pagan, Moon, and Astrological Dates

2021 Calendar – Pagan, Moon, and Astrological Dates


The 2021 calendar shown below is an amalgamation of traditional pagan holidays still being celebrated across the world today.  It also includes full and new moon dates, zodiac periods, the Celtic Tree months, and a few other noteworthy dates.  This 2021 calendar is shown in Mountain Standard Time (USA).


10th         Full Wolf Moon (12:23 PM, MST)

19th         Zodiac Period of Capricorn ends

20th         Celtic Tree Month of Birch ends

20th         Zodiac Period of Aquarius begins

21st         Celtic Tree Month of Rowan begins

24th         New Moon (2:44 PM, MST)

31st         Disting/Disablot

2021 calendar 2021


1st           Imbolc

9th           Full Snow Moon (12:34 AM, MST)

15th         Roman Holiday of Lupercalia

16th         Mercury becomes Retrograde

17th         Celtic Tree Month of Rowan ends

18th         Celtic Tree Month of Ash begins

18th         Zodiac Period of Aquarius ends

19th         Zodiac Period of Pisces begins

23rd        New Moon (8:33 AM, MST)

2021 calendar 2021


9th           Full Worm Moon (11:48 AM, MST)

9th           Mercury becomes Progressive

17th         Celtic Tree Month of Ash ends

18th         Celtic Tree Month of Alder begins

19th         Ostara

19th         Spring Equinox

20th         Zodiac Period of Pisces ends

21st         Zodiac Period of Aries begins

24th         New Moon (3:29 AM, MST)


1st           Roman Holiday of Veneralia

7th           Full Pink Moon (8:35 PM, MST)

14th         Celtic Tree Month of Alder ends

15th         Celtic Tree Month of Willow begins

19th         Zodiac Period of Aries ends

20th         Zodiac Period of Taurus begins

22nd        Yggdrasil Day

22nd        New Moon (8:27 PM, MST)

25th         Pluto becomes Retrograde

30th         Walpurgisnacht

2021 calendar 2021


1st          Beltane

7th           Full Flower Moon (4:45 AM, MST)

10th         Saturn becomes Retrograde

12th         Celtic Tree Month of Willow ends

13th         Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn begins

13th         Venus becomes Retrograde

14th         Jupiter becomes Retrograde

20th         Zodiac Period of Taurus ends

21st         Zodiac Period of Gemini begins

22nd        New Moon (11:39 AM, MST)

2021 Calendar 2021


5th           Full Strawberry Moon (1:12 PM, MST)

9th           Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn ends

10th         Celtic Tree Month of Oak begins

17th         Mercury becomes Retrograde

20th         Litha/Midsummer

20th         Summer Solstice

20th         Zodiac Period of Gemini ends

21st         New Moon (12:42 AM, MST)

21st         Zodiac Period of Cancer begins

22nd        Neptune becomes Retrograde

25th         Venus becomes Progressive

2021 Calendar 2021


4th           Full Buck Moon (10:44 PM, MST)

7th           Celtic Tree Month of Oak ends

8th           Celtic Tree Month of Holly begins

12th         Mercury becomes Progressive

20th         New Moon (11:33 AM, MST)

22nd        Zodiac Period of Cancer ends

23rd        Zodiac Period of Leo begins

31st         Mercury becomes Progressive


1st           Lammas

3rd           Full Sturgeon Moon (9:59 AM, MST)

4th           Celtic Tree Month of Holly ends

5th           Celtic Tree Month of Hazel begins

15th         Uranus becomes Retrograde

18th         New Moon (8:42 PM, MST)

22nd        Zodiac Period of Leo ends

23rd        Zodiac Period of Virgo begins


1st           Full Corn Moon (11:23 PM, MST)

1st           Celtic Tree Month of Hazel ends

2nd          Celtic Tree Month of Vine begins

9th           Mars becomes Retrograde

12th         Jupiter becomes Progressive

17th         New Moon (5:00 AM, MST)

22nd        Zodiac Period of Virgo ends

22nd        Mabon

22nd        Autumn Equinox

22nd        Haustblot

23rd        Zodiac Period of Libra begins

28th         Saturn becomes Progressive

28th         Neptune becomes Progressive

29th         Celtic Tree Month of Vine ends

30th         Celtic Tree Month of Ivy begins


1st           Full Harvest Moon (3:06 PM, MST)

4th           Pluto becomes Progressive

13th         Mercury becomes Retrograde

14th         Vetrablot

16th         New Moon (1:32 PM, MST)

22nd        Zodiac Period of Libra ends

23rd        Zodiac Period of Scorpio begins

27th         Celtic Tree Month of Ivy ends

28th         Celtic Tree Month of Reed begins

31st         Samhain

31st         Full Hunters Moon (8:51 AM, MST)

This is the only Blue Moon of 2021

31st         Vetrnaetr


3rd           Mercury becomes Progressive

13th         Mars becomes Progressive

14th         New Moon (10:08 PM, MST)

21st         Zodiac Period of Scorpio ends

22nd        Zodiac Period of Sagittarius begins

23rd        Celtic Tree Month of Reed ends

24th         Celtic Tree Month of Elder begins

30th         Full Beaver Moon (2:32 AM, MST)


5th           Krampusnacht

14th         New Moon (9:18 AM, MST)

17th         Roman Holiday of Saturnalia

21st         Yule

21st         Winter Solstice

21st         Zodiac Period of Sagittarius ends

22nd        Zodiac Period of Capricorn begins

23rd        Celtic Tree Month of Elder ends

24th         Celtic Tree Month of Birch begins

29th         Full Cold Moon (8:30 PM, MST)


References to 2021 Calendar Events

The Sacred Tree Calendar of the Celtic People

Walpurgisnacht – The Night of the Witches


Lupercalia – The Deliciously Lustful Origin of Valentine’s Day

Rites & Rituals – Pagan Ceremonies, Rituals, and Full Moon Celebrations


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