16 Thanksgiving Quotes: Funny, Inspirational, Thankful Sayings

16 Thanksgiving Quotes: Funny, Inspirational, Thankful Sayings

16 Thanksgiving Quotes: Funny, Inspirational, Thankful Sayings

As Thanksgiving nears, you’re probably looking forward to gorging yourself on delicious food, spending quality family time catching up with your cousins who live far away, planning (or enjoying) some nice Thanksgiving table decor, and getting a good, old-fashioned, tryptophan-induced night’s sleep. In the days leading up to Turkey Day, you’ve probably been seeing a lot of Thanksgiving quotes and Thanksgiving wishes floating around the internet and on social media. Thanksgiving quotes and sayings are perfect for a little inspiration for the Thanksgiving dinner toast, and maybe even a laugh at the table, or for posting a meaningful family photo after dinner.

In addition to feasting and gathering family members (or friends for Friendsgiving) from every corner of the country, many Thanksgiving traditions include some form of expressing gratitude—this holiday is a day for giving thanks, after all. Whether your Turkey Day crew is the type to go one-by-one around the table to share what each person is thankful for or you pull out the Thanksgiving conversation starters, you’ve probably been doing at least some reflection of your own on what you feel thankful for. (If you haven’t considered the topic yet, here’s a list of 111 things to be thankful for this year.) Thanksgiving quotes are also a great source of inspiration; chances are, one out there can help you express exactly how you feel.

From the words of modern-day icons to great authors of long ago and public figures, look no further for help getting into the thanks-giving spirit. These Thanksgiving quotes and sayings will warm your heart and amp up your sentimental side, reminding you how much in your life you appreciate. (At the very least, they’ll make you smile.) Before you know it, your gratefulness will be overflowing and you’ll be the first family member tapping your wine glass to make a toast at Thanksgiving dinner.

RELATED: When Is Thanksgiving 2021?

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