100 Heartfelt Best Friend Text Messages for Your Friend

100 Heartfelt Best Friend Text Messages for Your Friend

100 Heartfelt Best Friend Text Messages for Your Friend

Friends are an important part of life. If you’ve got someone who connects with you on more levels than one, who understands your unuttered thoughts, who is there when no one else is, then you’re blessed. Such people ought to be celebrated at every opportunity. You should hold them close and never let them go. Use any of the Heartfelt Best friend text messages in this collection to wow your friend.

Best Friend Text Messages to Send to Your Friend

If you weren’t in my life, I don’t know where I would have been. I value your friendship dear and I love you so much.

I love your frankness, your sense of humour. Phew! I love everything about you and won’t have you any other way. Keep being you darling.

This is just to check on you, to know how your day is going and to let you know you’re in my thoughts always.

You’re one of the people I want to see every day. Without you, my day is incomplete. That’s how important you are to me dear friend.

Friends like you are the milk of the earth. You make living worthwhile. I cherish you my dear friend.

You’re so amazing, and though sometimes I look for reasons to pick a quarrel with you, I never find any. You should get an award for being the most patient and awesome friend ever. I love you.

You think I don’t know how lucky I am to have you in my life? Forget it dear, no matter what I’ll never let you go. So the earlier we make up, the better for us.

You give quality meaning to friendship. I’d stick with you because I’m confident you’ll always have my back.

Hey! You know I’ve got you, right? No matter what, I’ll always be here for you.

Best friends, that’s what we are and that’s what we’ll always be. Whether rain or shine, I’ll be here dude, no matter what.

Distance means nothing to me. I love you just as if you were still here with me. Can’t wait to see you soon though.

I’m grateful for this one in a million friendship I share with you. Thanks for always being there.

READ ALSO: Long Paragraphs / Messages To Best Friend

I like the fact that our friendship is never stale. We always pick up from where we left off as if there was never a break. I guess that’s because our hearts are always connected no matter where life takes us each. I love you dear friend.

Many rains, many shines, ups and downs, we’ve seen it all and we’re still here. Cheers to friendship.

Thank you for always being there to share my burdens. You make them so light, they’re almost negligible. Your friendship is worth more than words can say.

When you’re around, my mind is at peace. That’s to show you how much I have come to trust and rely on you.

Loving you is as easy as ABC. Who wouldn’t love a beautiful soul like you?

Most of the credit for the amazing friendship we share goes to you.

You have the ability to make me smile in my worst moments. You have the most beautiful heart ever.

Thank you for always reinforcing the positive in me. Thank you for always seeing only the good in me.

You’re the one I always turn to when I need reassurance, thanks for always being there.

I have your best interest at heart, always, I’ll never lead you astray.

You are different from the pack. You are special!

You have never betrayed my trust. You’re the best friend, ever.

Trust you’re okay darling. Couldn’t get you off my mind and that’s why I’m texting to find out how you’re doing.

I carry you in my heart, everywhere I go. I love you dearly.

Have fun, sweets. Don’t let anyone bring you down. Life is too short for regrets. Love you lots.

Life is fun, with you! Xoxo.

You bring out the best in me. You’re so good for me, thank you.

I won’t stop loving you dear friend. I can’t, ever.

I would never betray your trust in me, dear friend. I will never let you down.

Thank you for accepting me the way I am. Thank you for loving me despite my flaws.

Thank you for not giving up on me when every other person did. Thank you for believing in me. I’m promising not to ever let you down.

You bring with you an ambience of peace. I’m totally in love with you.

You’ve got a large heart, a truly beautiful one.

Our friendship goes way back and has weathered many storms. I won’t trade what we share for anything. I love you.

I can’t thank God enough for making our paths meet. You complete me just as I do you.

You mean so much to me. You’re my best friend.

With you, I never feel pressured to be something or someone I’m not. Thank you for loving me just the way I am.

You’ve got faults, so have I and everyone. I love you just the way you are.

You are a rare treasure. I love you my dear.

There’s no one who I’d rather share my secrets with than you. With you my darkest secrets are safe. You’re the best friend ever.

I don’t want this bond of friendship to ever break. You’re a friend like no other.

You’re more family than friend. A friend that sticks closer than a brother.

READ ALSO: More Heartfelt Best Friend Text Messages / Paragraph

Worry less, pray more, God’s got you. I love you dear friend.

Thank you so much for your constant support and help. Most especially your effort to extend our connection. You’re the best.

May this bond never break. May our friendship last forever.

You’re my destiny helper, my God-sent. Thank you for being a worthy friend.

You’re nothing short of an angel. Ever so true, ever so sure.

When you’re with me, I feel there’s no challenge I can’t take on. You inspire and motivate me.

I could never repay all your acts of kindness. But my heart will always remain grateful to you.

You’re everything I’m not. I admire the super human that you are.

Even though you’re not here with me, your thoughts fill my heart and mind. I miss you a lot.

I miss all our fun times together. I wish we could reenact the days of our childhood innocence.

We have come a long way together. I’m certain no one can put asunder our friendship.

Here am I, promising you that I’ll always be here for you, that I’ll love you no matter what.

No matter what life brings our way, I can never forget you. You are my best friend.

Loyal friends are not easy to come by. But you have never given me cause to doubt you friendship. Thanks for being true.

You are amazing dear friend and I’m always so proud of you.

The enemy’s plan against you will never prevail. I’m praying for you.

You can count on me, I’ll always be your friend. Standing by your side, no matter what.

Hope you had a good night. Here’s wishing you a super duper amazing day. God bless you.

I trust in your amazing capabilities. If there’s anyone who can deliver on that job, it is you. Go ahead and show them the stuff you’re made of.

No one can compete for your space in my heart. No one comes close to loving me the way you do. You are special.

Thank you for always giving the very best of yourself, in words and in deeds.

I’m sorry for making you feel bad. Please let’s forget the wrong done and be friends again.

You’re a great guy, don’t ever forget that buddy.

I consider you my best friend. No one else deserves that title. The cap fits you perfectly.

If you weren’t my best friend, you’d be my sister/brother. We go way beyond friends, we’re blood.

Loving you is so natural. You have become an important part of me.

Hey! Do I smell a bit of jealousy? Relax friend, no friendship comes close to what we share. There’s no basis for comparison, at all.

You’re my best friend, there’s no doubt about that.

There’s nothing I want changed about you. I love you just the way you are, best friend.

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I’ve got your back always just as I know you’ve got mine. Best friends forever, that’s what we are.

You’re the only one who understands my deepest fears even without I having to voice them out. You’re my best friend.

Your friendship is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you.

Thanks for visiting.  I hope you enjoyed this collection of Best friend text messages. Please feel free to share if you did. Xoxo.

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