Unicorns and Their Lucky Charms

Unicorns and Their Lucky Charms

Unicorns and Their Lucky Charms

When you love unicorns and everything colorful, you gotta find a way to have you Family Halloween Costumes revolve around that. Well, this plan was around my desire to be a unicorn. The girls were on board, and I knew I had to find a way to make it easy for my boys. Enter Opposuits, the most amazing colorful suits, perfect for the occasion!

Family Halloween Costumes: Unicorns and Their Lucky Charms

Yep, my family are good sports, making my family Halloween costumes dream come true. Last year, they obliged me with levitating family pictures and dressing up as the un-dead in all black and white. See us flying on the link

family halloween costumes

This year, we did a complete 180 and went for the color! It started with my fascination with unicorns…I mean, I love them. I knew I could never get my boys to agree to fastening a horn to their foreheads, and when I stumbled upon Opposuits, I fell in LOVE!

I’m pretty sure I’d seen Opposuits before, they have so many fun fabrics for suits, but my boys like as LOW KEY as possible, so the solid colored suits it was. I reached out to Opposuits, and they sent me the three suits in exchange for sharing my love of the company (which isn’t hard), so GO.CHECK.THEM.OUT because you will likely fall in love, too. They even have women’s suits with a skirt, check out the Christmas suits for the holidays!

unique suits

I had my tripod, remote in hand, and went to my favorite white wall to snap a bunch of shots on a chilly October day in Texas just before our church Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat. If you look at my hand on my husbands shoulder below, you can see the remote! My cute husband set aside his crutches from his recent knee surgery for a few minutes, and rested his weight on his good leg. Here are a handful of shots that we took of our Family Halloween Costumes:

colorful family halloween costumes

Family Halloween Costumes: Unicorns and Their Lucky Charms

Funny story: I didn’t really have a NAME for our costume, and as we drove to our Fall Festival, my husband said the kids keep asking “what we are” and I never really thought about our TITLE. We spouted off ideas in the car for what we would say when people ask…Unicorns and….their body guards? Somehow we got on Lucky Charms, and that was my favorite. I think they still said “I don’t know” when asked, but I figured whatever I put in my title on this blog post was OFFICIAL, so there you have it!

colorful suits by Opposuits

Unicorns with fake eyelashes

Family Halloween Costumes: Unicorns and Their Lucky Charms

Couples Halloween Costume

Family Halloween Costumes: Unicorns and Their Lucky Charms

Below with the kids waving…well that’s a funny story. My spot with the white wall that I love is a school nearby. When we were taking these pictures on a Saturday afternoon, just before our church Fall Festival, there were several buses unloading high school band students for a football game, and 100 or more people were about 50 feet away, gawking at us as they unloaded. I was shocked at my kids response…they waved! In the past, I might have heard embarrassed mutterings under their breath, but they took it in stride. Maturity, I tell ya, it’s an amazing thing. Surely, those high school students love our Family Halloween Costumes.

Family Halloween Costumes: Unicorns and Their Lucky Charms

Unicorn costumes

colorful costumes

colorful suits by Opposuits

Unicorn costume idea

I kinda love that together my husband and I are purple and orange–Halloween colors I love! This way, in the future we can wear this (with or without a horn) and be festive in Halloween colors. I kinda thought of this in my planning of colors for everyone!

Orange and purple couples Halloween costume


unicorn family costume

I’m grateful my kids are good sports when it comes to Family Halloween Costumes. We do this for our church festival, then they can do what they want on Halloween night.

colorful costume idea

Family Halloween Costumes: Unicorns and Their Lucky Charms

Setting up the group:

prepping for pictures

Plugging myself in:

rainbow costume ideas

Hope you enjoyed this little PEEK into our Family Halloween Costumes, I had fun with this family halloween costume theme: Unicorns and Lucky Charms!

Here is our RAW footage of our mini photo shoot. I like to show real life, and though this is a tad embarrassing for me, I want other mama’s out there to see how I do this with a tripod and remote.


Where we got our costume pieces:

  • I purchased the gold unicorn horns from Pretty in Pink Supply on Etsy. I got the 8 inch for myself and 5 inch for my girls. I just hot glued the horn to a thick string, then put a circle felt on top with more glue, and we tied it around our heads, under our wigs.
  • The girls got the matching colorful parts from Party City (socks, suspenders, gloves) You can likely find similar on Amazon.
  • White tennis shoes from Wal-Mart (I love WM for basic accessories)
  • White t-shirts from Wal-Mart
  • I spray painted an old pair of heels that I never wear, to be PURPLE!

Here are some things we got from Amazon:



Disclosure: I reached out to Opposuits myself and was sent product with no compensation. I just LOVE their suits!
Your kids may enjoy these fun Halloween activities, too!

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