Rehearsal Dinner, Who to invite and who can be left out….. | Weddings, Etiquette and Advice | Wedding Forums

Shower for Out of Town Bride | Weddings, Parties and Events | Wedding Forums

Rehearsal Dinner, Who to invite and who can be left out….. | Weddings, Etiquette and Advice | Wedding Forums

In my culture, and at Cate’s RD, everyone mentioned by Emily Post was invited. Typically, in our culture, as a way to thank your OOT guests for flying in for a wedding, OOT guests are invited to the RD. We consider it part of being a good host.

Cate’s ILs not only included the OOT guests after the rehearsal on Thursday night, but also hosted a cocktail party on Friday night, for the new arrivals who flew in on Friday, with a “Welcome to Philly” theme where the Mendenhall served hoagies, cheese steaks, sausage and pepper sandwiches and salads. When someone flies in from Hawaii, it’s a good idea to give them a warm welcome.

I think this is one of those “Is it your norm?” situations.

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