DIY Baby Shower Cake Ideas
On the hunt for a simple baby shower cake to whip up for a big shin-dig? Feeling “pin-whelmed” by all of those gorgeous cakes floating around on Pinterest? Well, my friend, look no further! We’ve done the tough stuff for you!
We have rounded up TEN super simple baby shower cakes from the big ol’ world wide web, and are serving them up just for you!
Piece of cake, right?
You just knew I was going to say that!
Let’s get started, shall we?
While we’re on topic re: non-traditional, how about this fun ice cream cone cake for a simple baby shower cake? (Okay, so cupcakes are cake…but you get the point). So maybe your theme isn’t “ice cream” – but think of the possibilities! You could do a rattle, a bow tie, or heck…even buggy! Everyone gets their own piece – it’s just cupcakes in a clever shape! Brilliant!
Throwing a baseball baby shower for a cute little guy coming into your life? Well, lucky you – this is just for you! This simple baseball baby shower cake would be a snap to make!
Don’t let the cuteness fool you – this polka dot creation is a super simple baby shower cake! (Okay, okay, so it’s not exactly for a baby shower. BUT! It’s so darling and versatile…and besides, polka dots are always on the scene at baby showers!) Ice up a few baked, round cakes, and pick up those darling polka dots at just about any speciality baking/cooking store! Stick ’em on and DONE!
Cake pops are for people like me – who just always seem to ruin things (like, for example…a cake!). So…you BET I had to put some of those little beauties in here!
In need of more baby shower ideas? Well, you’ve come to the right place!
You’re definitely going to want to check out this and this and this!
Are you a cake-making guru? What are your favorite tips of the trade? Tell us below in the comments!
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