Chinese Zodiac | Astrology
The Chinese zodiac and the animals associated with the Chinese astrological model are very different to the western style month by month Zodiac principles. In Chinese astrology there is a 12 year cycle which more than likely relates to the 12 year cycle of Jupiter and each of those 12 years is assigned an animal to which the personality is intimately linked. As well, according to the Chinese zodiac each of these animals relates to the others to a better or lesser degree.
The History of Chinese Zodiacs
Chinese astrology dates back thousands of years and is becoming more and more popular. It is also linked to the concept of feng shui and improving your circumstances to the correct construction of living space, placement of different objects and furniture and the counteractive procedures for changing luck. Of course the animals will have reference to the culture of China over the centuries but it appears that the interpretations have relevance for people born in other parts of the world as well.
The Chinese zodiac is based upon the Chinese calendar as well so that the New Year doesn’t actually fall on January 1 as it does in western countries. It varies between January 21 and February 20 so it’s a good idea to check the specific dates each year to see which Chinese zodiac animal you fall under. Generally speaking these are the years and the animal ruler.
Rat |
1900 |
1912 |
1924 |
1936 |
1948 |
1960 |
1972 |
1984 |
1996 |
2008 |
2021 |
Ox |
1901 |
1913 |
1925 |
1937 |
1949 |
1961 |
1973 |
1985 |
1997 |
2009 |
2021 |
Tiger |
1902 |
1914 |
1926 |
1938 |
1950 |
1962 |
1974 |
1986 |
1998 |
2010 |
2022 |
Rabbit |
1903 |
1915 |
1927 |
1939 |
1951 |
1963 |
1975 |
1987 |
1999 |
2011 |
2023 |
Dragon |
1904 |
1916 |
1928 |
1940 |
1952 |
1964 |
1976 |
1988 |
2000 |
2012 |
2024 |
Snake |
1905 |
1917 |
1929 |
1941 |
1953 |
1965 |
1977 |
1989 |
2001 |
2013 |
2025 |
Horse |
1906 |
1918 |
1930 |
1942 |
1954 |
1966 |
1978 |
1990 |
2002 |
2014 |
2026 |
Sheep |
1907 |
1919 |
1931 |
1943 |
1955 |
1967 |
1979 |
1991 |
2003 |
2021 |
2027 |
Monkey |
1908 |
1920 |
1932 |
1944 |
1956 |
1968 |
1980 |
1992 |
2004 |
2021 |
2028 |
Rooster |
1909 |
1921 |
1933 |
1945 |
1957 |
1969 |
1981 |
1993 |
2005 |
2021 |
2029 |
Dog |
1910 |
1922 |
1934 |
1946 |
1958 |
1970 |
1982 |
1994 |
2006 |
2021 |
2030 |
Boar |
1911 |
1923 |
1935 |
1947 |
1959 |
1971 |
1983 |
1995 |
2007 |
2021 |
2031 |
Each of the Chinese Zodiac animals has a specific quality which is related to the personality of those born in each year. Of course if we apply a bit of common sense we easily come to the conclusion that not everyone born in say the year of the ox in 1973 is going to have identical personality traits and justice in Western astrology having the time and place of birth is essential for distinguishing people born in that month, naturally this criteria will have a marked influence on all of those born in the year of the ox by bringing out the subtle nuances of character as a result.
Chinese Zodiac Sign interpretations
Rat: If you born under the year of the rat bright mind and are able to adjust yourself to the circumstances you find yourself in as well is to the people you are dealing with. You have a creative streak, love people and wish to share your ideas with those around you.
All Ox: You have a stick to it mentality and are capable of finishing things most people would give up on. You are not afraid of a challenge and actually see life as a means of strengthening your character. You have a great deal of strength and resilience but are also fair-minded individual.
Tiger: You have a certain attracted even charismatic quality about you which makes it irresistible to others. People gather around you and trust what you have to say and this therefore makes you a very powerful leader. You are passionate about life and want to achieve something great.
Rabbit: You are a born diplomat and know how to mediate in social and business situations. Part of your nature is to care for others so compassion is also one of your other notable traits. Sometimes you are a little shy and need to come forward so that others can see just how good a person you are.
Dragon: You are a powerful individual who are sometimes regarded as a little avant-garde but nevertheless you have extraordinary creativity and imagination coup in led with a spiritual attitude. This is one of the luckiest signs and the Chinese zodiac and ensures not only good fortune for yourself but for your family as well.
Snake: You’re able to think in abstracts because your intelligence isn’t locked into a box. You have powerful perception and even that intuitive insight into others and what is likely to happen. You think things through carefully but once you make a decision you are in it boots and all.
Horse: Few people have the adaptability to circumstances that you do and with your intelligent and ambitious personality you are likely to see more success than most. You get bored easily however and therefore need variety and a sense of adventure to keep you happy.
Sheep: You hate anything cheap or nasty but love elegance and the finer things in life. You take great pride in your friendships and more importantly person you choose to spend the rest of your life with. You are sensitive to the needs of others and generally exhibit a tranquil air about you.
Monkey: You’re intellectually agile and love a mental challenge. You’re always on the go and perhaps need to focus more on one thing because you believe variety is the spice of life. You have the ability to understand several different topics at once
Rooster: You’re straightforward, sometimes blunt and always like to take the lead in everything you do. Sometimes you are over confident and need to pace yourself. There is a diversity and flamboyance about your style which others like and you are able to achieve success.
Dog: You are a fighter in life exhibiting a great deal of valor and focus in anything you attempt. Loyalty is one of your keywords and rarely if ever do you leave the person you choose to spend the rest of your life with. You have a keen eye for detail and do everything with a view to perfection.
Boar: you have a charitable disposition and generally look on the bright side of life. Sincerity coupled with a social attitude make you like by everyone. Your quiet determination is admirable.
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