40 Memes That Sum Up 2021 So Far

40 Memes That Sum Up 2020 So Far

40 Memes That Sum Up 2021 So Far

2021 is still far from over but a lot of people think that it’s one of the worst years in recent modern history. So much so that they’re using humor to cope with just how bad things got. People are posting hilarious jokes about 2021 that a lot of us can relate to, and Bored Panda has collected some of the best ones.

Scroll down, upvote your fave 2021 jokes, and share how you’re dealing with all the stress this year, dear Pandas. When you’re done enjoying this list, have a look through our earlier post about people making “my plans vs. 2021” memes.

This year has been a huge challenge so far: Brexit shenanigans ensued, we nearly had WW3, Australia was on fire, the coronavirus pandemic shut down the world, and racial tensions over police brutality in the US reached a breaking point. It’s been rough. But people find that a bit of humor helps keep their spirits up in difficult times. Bored Panda reached out to speak about 2021 memes with comedy writer and comedian Ariane Sherine. Scroll down for our interview with her.

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