23 Best Father’s Day Quotes For Husbands

23 Best Father's Day Quotes For Husbands

23 Best Father’s Day Quotes For Husbands

Father’s Day has a very interesting history. In the beginning, Father’s day was actually just a piggy-back idea wrapped on the back of Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day was first introduced after the Civil War as part of the peace-and-reconciliation campaigns, designed to bring mothers of the confederate and union soldiers together.

Finally, in 1914 Mother’s Day became an National Holiday, with President Woodrow Wilson inviting everyone to celebrate “that tender, gentle army, the mothers of America”.

In the year 1909, A woman named Sonora Smart Dodd began campaigning for Father’s Day. She was one of six children raised by a widower. The year before, a Father’s Day had been celebrated in West Virginia, but that was to honor fathers who had passed in an explosion in a local Coal Mine. In the year 1910, Washington State celebrated the country’s first statewide Father’s Day.

Father’s Day began to spread around the country. In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge urged states to honor the fathers within their borders by recognizing this holiday.

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However, many men hated the idea of a “Father’s Day”. They thought it domesticated masculinity by giving fathers sentimental gifts such as flowers, often paid for by the father himself.

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