150 Valentines Day Sayings – C.R.A.F.T.
46. Kool Aid: You’re kool
47. Mountain Dew: I love everything you dew
52. Fortune cookie: I’m so fortune-ate that you’re my friend
53. Froot loops: You make my loop complete
55. Key shaped cookies: You hold the key to my heart
62. Pickle: You mean a great dill to me
63. Clementine orange: You’re such a cutie
64. Berries: I like you berry much
65. Banana: I’m bananas over you
67. Plum: You’re plum perfect
70. Nuts: I’m nuts about you
71. Peanut butter: Spread the love
73. Olives: Olive you a lot
76. Cheese Stick: Let’s stick together
77. Fruit Leather: You are a berry good friend
80. PB&J Sandwiches: We stick together like PB&J
Clever sayings with school supplies
81. Crayons: You color my world, Valentine!
82. Ruler: You rule, Valentine
83. Highlighter: You’re the highlight of my day!
84. Pen/ Pencil: You’re just write for me
Valentine sayings paired with toys
86. Playing cards: 52 things I love about you
87. Magnifying glass: I’ve got my eye on you
90. Bubbles: You blow me away, Valentine
93. Plastic zoo animals: I’m wild about you
95. Shovel: I dig you
101. Puzzle: We fit together perfectly
105. Cat (tattoo, sticker, eraser): I think you’re purrrrrfect
106. Mad libs: I’m mad about you
107. Owl (tattoo, sticker, eraser): I’ll owl-ways be your friend
108. Boat: You float my boat
109. Crazy straw: You are ex-straw special
Clever sayings with everyday items
114. Search wood book: I searched and found the best Valentine
115. Google Eyes: I’ve got my eyes on you
116. Crazy straws: I’m crazy for you
117. Sewing kit: You’re sew special to me
119. Buttons: You’re as cute as a button
120. Magnet: Can’t resist your pull
121. Friendship bracelet: Our class would knot be the same without
122. Matches: We’re the perfect match
123. Handi wipes: You can count on me when things get sticky
125. Soap: I was soapin’ you’d be my Valentine
126. Hot pad: You warm my heart
127. Hammer: You make my heart pound
128. Candle: You light up my life
129. Comb: Honey, comb your hair we have a date tonight
130. Dry erase/ chalk board: I’m never board when you’re around
131. Playing cards: You are the King of my heart
134. Map/ globe: You mean the world to me
135. Magnets: Let’s stick together
136. Screwdriver: You drive me mad (in a good way)!
137. Socks: You knock my socks off
138. Watch: You make my heart go tick tock
139. Light bulb: I love you a whole watt
140. Paper/electric fan: You blow me away
141. Toothbrush: I can’t smile with out you
143. Cookie cutter: You’re a cut above the rest
Clever crafty sayings
144. Mustache: I mustache you a question? Will you be my Valentine?
145. Painted twigs: Stick with me, Valentine
146. Typewriter doodle: You’re just my type
147. Sheep doodle: I love ewe
148. Owl doodle: Owl be you’re friend forever
150. Clothes pins: I’d love to hang out with you
151. Rocket ship: You’re outta this world
152. Owl doodle: You’re a hoot
153. Deer doodle: You’re a deer to me
154. Maze: I think you’re a-maze-ing
155. Flower: I’d pick you any day
156. Thumbprint: Thumb-body loves you
158. Painted rocks: You rock, Valentine
If you are looking for more Valentine ideas, don’t miss:
If you have any other clever Valentine sayings to add to the list, leave it in the comments for everyone to see! Happy heart day, y’all!
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