14 Days of Valentines! Free Printables
It’s finally here. The day you’ve been waiting for. Okay–the day I’ve been waiting for. I can finally tell you why I’ve been sharing so many valentine printables! My hubby is going to be out of town this Valentine’s Day, so the girls and I have been planning a secret gift for him (and he had better not be reading my blog right now!). We’ve been creating a package filled with 14 days of valentines.
So, if you have a long distance valentine (or a valentine close to home), I’m sharing 14 printable valentines plus 14 Do Not Open Until cards — perfect for a fun Valentine gift idea!
This would be great for military spouses, college students, LDS missionaries, aging parents, and anyone who has a loved one far away. It would also be really fun to do for your kiddos or your hubby — even if they live in your house!
Ready for the Valentines? Some you’ve seen already, and some are new. If there is a link under the Valentine, click it go to that post and download the file. If there is no link under the valentine, that means it is included in the printable at the end of this post.
Day 1: Give your Valentine his or her favorite cookies
You’re a Smart Cookie, Valentine!
Day 2: Give a package of Rolos
I Like the Way You Roll, Valentine!
Day 3: Give a favorite box of cereal
You Make My Life So Sweet, Valentine!
Day 4: Choose your valentine’s favorite pack of gum
I’m Stuck on You, Valentine!
Day 5: Grab a bag of Doughnuts (or Donuts!)
Doughnut You Know How Much I Love You, Valentine?
Day 6: Start talking with Conversation Hearts
You’re Such a Sweetie!
Day 7: Is your Valentine Worth $100 Grand?
Valentine, You’re Priceless!
Day 8: Pick a pack of your Valentine’s favorite Nuts
I’m Nuts About You, Valentine!
Day 9: Grab some Goldfish Crackers
You O”Fish”ally Have My Heart, Valentine!
Day 10: Go simple with a Candy Heart
I Heart You, Valentine!
Day 11: Freshen up with Tic-Tacs
Valentine, You’re My Hero!
Day 12: Share some Reese’s Pieces
You Stole a Piece of My Heart
Day 13: Go exotic with Sweedish Fish
You Are the Sweetest Fish in the Sea, Valentine!
Day 14: Create your own card, or go with Olaf!
Sending You a Warm Hug, Valentine!
My girls wrote their own cards for day 14, but I wanted to be sure to give you 14 options, so I included Olaf in the printable.
Ready to create your own 14 days of Valentines? You can download your own set of 14 printable valentine cards by clicking on the link below.
Here are our gifts all ready to be packaged up and mailed to Daddy! If you plan to mail your gifts as well, you’ll want to print the Do Not Open Until Cards, too! (Included in your download.)
I hope that wasn’t too confusing. That was a lot of information for one post. That’s why I’ve been frantically sharing valentines all month. There was no way I could put it all into one post! Have fun, and thanks for stopping by today!
Are you following my Valentine Idea Exchange Pinterest Board? Follow for more great Valentine ideas, crafts, and recipes.
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